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Felt really lazy after finishing the last one, spent most of my day playing this new mobile gundam game where I wasted some cash for some gacha which I slightly regret.

Haven't gone to work cause of the bad weather and that really helped decrease productivity, hot coffee and the sound of heavy torrential rain all combine for a very lazy atmosphere. So got nothing productive done but still its time for a quick post of August's suggestions.

After a quick check on my past poll winners, I think its high time for some office ladies!

So suggestions are going to be Office ladies or girls in uniforms, I want it to stick to classic office wear not too much to overly designed ones like lavish military scifi uniform.

So characters must be an office lady or had wore one. 

Comment down bellow your suggestions plus links and references would be very helpful.



I would like to suggest yukihime from uqholder she looks like a secretary in the outfit even though she is a teacher. I hope by office look that what your referring to. Here is the link https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32842430978.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail It's the one on the left. Btw since it's a relatively new series it's hard to find references so this was the only full body one I could find.


Nagi Saotome sports a pretty nice looking office uniform, considering she's a higher up at the resort lol http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-295471078.jpg fair warning though, vn she's from is NSFW


This is a stretch for office uniform. Lana Kane from Archer sports her usual attire. https://cdn.allwallpaper.in/wallpapers/640x960/9505/archer-tv-lana-kane-pam-poovey-cheryl-tunt-640x960-wallpaper.jpg


Sensei from Miru Tights, based on model Okuzumi Yuiko if I'm not mistaken. Here is the artist's pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=75362617


Would Hiratsuka from Oregairu fit the criteria? https://i.imgur.com/F3UUwtM.png


Would it be ok to ask for one of YOUR office gals? Particularly, Jackie. She's just got that something that I need! Just in case: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eppjmd91p31v5si/AAD1MojG3R6Ea79nozfcD9mLa?preview=Page+10.jpg If not, then as a backup, I'm gonna go with a classic waifu: Janine Melnitz from ghostbusters: https://sta.sh/025ufrm5ocoe She's cute, sexy, and looks amazing in her office attire manning those calls from her desk!


Yes, a man of culture. "Please, someone just marry her already..."


I'd like to go with the office lady Hanako Koyanagi https://i.imgur.com/ghrWGTM.png , a former volleyball player this gal is sure to take any strenous pose!


I would throw in Izumi Shimomura couse she is tough and cute at the same time! She has badass Moments and cute ones and she Looks great in her suit! Here is a link: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ajin/images/7/7b/Izumi_anime.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160927165117&path-prefix=de


https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeon-ni-deai-o-motomeru/images/7/72/Eina_Tulle.png/revision/latest?cb=20150522230414 How bout a half-elven office lady? Eina's uniform is essentially a fantasy equivalent of the "OL" look, not to mention the fact she works as a receptionist and adviser for Bell Cranel (the protagonist of Is it Wrong...?). Eina could get herself tied up as a way to get more attention from him, pretending that it's all part of rescue training he needs to complete before going into another dungeon. Only Hestia would find her like this instead, making her binds tighter and applying a sticky ribbon gag over her mouth (with the words STAY AWAY FROM HIM written over it). And don't worry about taking breaks and playing games, you deserve some time off every once in a while. It's not laziness if you've earned it. Hope the weather improves for ya in the meantime!