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And finish with the cover, Realism is always a great addition to any experience good thing the apartment has a shady looking basement fit for some Kidnapping exercises.

Once Eric is done with Jenn he'll now proceed to tying up Shore who finished her handiwork with Freya and Michelle both still aren't quite fully tied and saving it for later.

And Eric has been given a strict list of regiments prepared by Shore to improve each girls escape capabilities plus he better behave or else he's out of the house.

There's still a lot of Tape, ropes, belts and gags lying around for a very long training session.




The cracks in the wall really sell that "abandoned warehouse" vibe necessary for these exercises; immersion is a key factor. Wait, not fully tied? Well, I suppose Michelle still needs her legs tied (assuming they haven't been below her knees), and Freya could always look like more of a mummy. All that extra tape (and medical bandages?) has to be used somehow. How else will the shopping trip it took to get this all together be justified? As for how Shore will be tied up, I'm sure she's already given Eric exact instructions for that, along with the strict escape regimen. There's something to be said for being able to turn bondage into a homework assignment, and Shore seems like a very able teacher.


Wow it Looks great! Cant wait to see it finished!^^