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more sketches for the next comic chapter. wondering if gym cloths are appropriate, well you do get a bit of an exercise when tied up. And I know made sure part of Freya's character is her preference of showing less skin and black tights. Why pay for the gym when you could get the only dude in the house to tie you up and still cover it up as nothing sexual.

Yeah poll's just started and you could tell what's gonna happened lol, well guess those other plans are going to be personal side projects with no definite date.




Great to see how close these characters are to each other as friends, with Jenn holding Frey's hand while Michelle holds onto her shoulder and...wait a minute, what happened to Shore's right arm? I'm guessing the theories are already piling up... The gym clothes are a nice touch as well, considering how you ended Ch. 1 with Jenn declaring a "escape training" session that Frey purposefully misses out on. It should be fun seeing the follow up to that scene. As for the poll results, at the very least you gave us additional options. Hopefully these work out well as side projects, or maybe bonus pages at the end of this chapter (like the two D4C/JJBA pages at the end of Ch. 3).


Frey's outfit is adorable - and I think a gym setup has a lot of potential for fun :D


All of their gym outfits look great, but damn does Frey's outfit really stand out! I like the direction you're going with here. I can already imagine a situation where the girls want to have bondage escape competition to get a workout in. They're arguing with each other that someone has to remain untied to tie up the others, until Eric comes home and all eyes turn on him haha


That's a cool idea; maybe Jenn could steal his phone and use the picture that Eric took of her and Frey (in Ch. 1), to pressure him into tying them up again (along with Michelle and Shore). She could then threaten to reveal his kink (even though Shore already knows it), causing him to tie Jenn up first as a "demonstration" and keep his secret safe.


Time for some forced stretching! Maybe even some breathing exercises for Frey :D


How about a tape breathplay exercise for everybody to work on controlling their breathing? It sounds dangerous, but maybe Eric will be there to supervise


Just looking at this pic is getting the heart pumpin' lol


I'm just glad to see Jen again


Jen Looks Pretty sexy like that!^^