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So I've been looking back on the 3 comics I made and nearing the end of the latest one I wanted to hear your opinions on what i think is the most popular thing about my art. 

you can see it in many of my commissions and different other works. THE GAG SEQUENCE

So i tried to incorporate it in all of my comics, 

so comparing one of the most common theme to better differentiate each chapter.

Chapter 1 had a basic format of 4 sequences and the level of art isn't that noteworthy compared to recent ones. but it was the first and also the most experimental of the three.

Chapter 2 doesn't have the 4 panel formula and the best i could find is this extended stuffing sequence, I forgot where I got the idea. Not much has change with the art apart from being more cleaner.

Chapter 3 had the most drastic jump in art, mostly because of the darker background and thicker lines. And this might be the only chapter of the three where I didn't tie up Freya.

So its actually slowly improving by each chapter, there are a few flaws here and there and i could see a different charm on each one.

So Chapter 4 would consist of the cast of the first chapter and I want to hear your opinions on the past 3 and also your suggestions on the new one.

What did you like on each chapter?

Any changes you would like to see compared to the past 3 chapters?

What things you wanted to stay base on the past 3 chapters?

Which chapter is your favorite?

All suggestions and opinions are welcome in the comment section.



Alex Martinez

i will love to see more pics of Freya Tied up and gagged


First off, let's start with the gags. Based on what I've read in the comic chapters so far, you seem to have a preference for wraparound tapegags. This is all well and good, but consider changing up the types of tape gags you use for future chapters to increase variety. For example, you could have characters gagged with two strips of tape arranged to form an X (done in a few of your sketches), or a wraparound tapegag that secures the back of a captive's head to another captive's head, back-to-back. Also in regard to tape gags, how about some decoration? You've depicted cat whiskers in tape gag-related sketches, but I don't recall seeing any in the comic chapters so far. Other options include lipstick stains (remember the one on the inside of Rebecca's tape gag in chapter 3?) and little teasing messages meant to make fun of a given captive. You could even combine the two, such as a lipstick smear over a cliche Valentine's Day message. An additional idea would be a the drawing of a grin right over where the captive's lips would be, especially if they're visibly angry at being tied up (for comedy!) Aside from the bondage kinkiness, I'm genuinely intrigued by how much Anne is shown to care for Rebecca in the latter pages of chapter 3. While she does get a bit expositiony about their relationship, her concern once Rebecca is untied and ungagged makes the two of them feel like real people. They're relationship isn't just kinky, but also quite personal...which of course you could cap on by having the two of them later get tied up together in a way that physically represents this (but that's another subject entirely). Another thing you do really well is depict how uncomfortable bondage usually is, especially with such above images as Freya in chapter 1 and Rebecca in chapter 3; we see Rebecca and Jenn gradually (and painfully) have their tape gag removed as they leave a visible marks. This adds realism to your comic and other drawings you've made, which is one of the reasons why your content still stands out so much to me (among others, I'm sure). Based on the images included in your post, a lot of the bondage in the comic chapters emphasizes the female characters' breasts being secured in place with rope or tape (also the case with basically all of your other drawings). I can't help but wonder if you're going to make such ties more revealing, especially given that over half the cast of chapter 3 ended up stripping down to their underwear. Consider a situation where a given captive, after being stripped down in such a way, has an item stuffed into their cleavage. Not only would this add to the clear kink factor, but it could lead to a comedic bondage situation. Maybe Freya gets robbed and tied up by a thief, who steals her cash before stuffing the wallet between her breasts (because she doesn't want to get caught using Freya's credit cards). Also, are you planning on creating "chest-nude ties" in the comic such as the one in your drawing "Playnice2.2"? The breasts would still be somewhat covered up, and such a change would further the gradual emphasis on greater skin reveal over the course of chapters 1 through 3. Obviously the decision's up to you in the end. In addition, I've noticed that there's quite a lot of variety in terms of tie-ups and bondage arrangements in your comission sketches and artworks. Why not add some of that kinky creativity into the comic chapters? Specific examples would be "Hacking the System" pic with D.Va hanging over a gloating Sombra, or Lieutenant Shiro with each leg roped to an accompayning pole. Most of the comic chapter bondage so far seems the same (with a few notable exceptions, such as the Freya/Jenn snuggle sandwich at the end of chapter 1). It also encourages learning new ways of drawing bondage, which is clearly something that you're interested in learning (given your concern with improving the already great quality of your work over time). Back to the gags real quick, but I really enjoyed the twist with Sophie's surgical mask at the beginning of chapter 2. Are you panning on doing something like that again? Bandanas, scarves, or even ninja/burglar masks could also work to that effect if you want. Out of all two chapters and the nearly finished third, my favorite would have to be chapter 2. With the strong aformentioned start thanks to Sophie's hidden tape gag, I became more and more interested by the time Rebecca and Anne revealed their true colors. The kinky content was also genuinely funny, such as Freya having to put up with her boss's antics while tied up ("Hop!") We also got a hint at a possible dom attitude for Sophie, and I'm curious if it will come up again future chapters. And of course, who can forget the pocky game scene? With chapter 1, while the environments weren't all that detailed, you created some really intriguing bondage and a neat little twist, which showed that Freya isn't as innocent as she appears (something that's developed in chapter 2, and 3 to an extent). I could complain about one of the male rescuers (Eric, I think) taking a photo of the girls before rescuing them, so hopefully Jenn finds out and punishes him for that later on. Chapter 3 definitely stands out for more visual details (the blushing on Rebecca's cheek during the free bondage session), and of course most of the characters undressing is memorable. Since it's not finished yet, I can't really say whether it's my favorite or not (although that may change betweeen now and when it's done). I know you already had a chapter idea in an earlier poll (where bondage cafe beat out hostage training gone nuts), but here are some other suggestions for you: Anne and Rebecca hire Freya for an at-home bondage session, only for a burglar to barge in and accidentally interrupt them; Shore bets Jenn that she can't spend one whole day gagged with duct tape, which Jenn tries to hide from her friends with scarves, a paper bag or her head, and other ridiculous methods; Anne and Rebecca reminisce about their earlier kinky relationship, complete with interruptions by Jackie and Sophie (who use this as an excust to procrastinate while on the clock); On Christmas morning, Jackie endures "punishment" for being on Anne's "naughty list," as Sophie discovers that Rebecca is her new present this year (complete with a message from Santa written on the boss's tape gag). Enough rambling on my end. I hope some, if any of this, helps you out on future artworkss, whether for the comic chapters or later comissions (or even just general use!)


I think 2 is my favourite just cause all the ladies get to have equal fun/binding of each other. The gags sequences are great, but they are all stuffing with tape over them. I'd love to see more harness/panel/pump gags in the future comics, as well as maybe more bondage material like handcuffs, leather armbinders, straitjackets etc. I love how all the ladies play off of each other, so maybe some more of their dynamics that we haven't seen yet, or sides of them we haven't seen before. Oh, and Freya always has to get tied up because she is the best girl >:P


1) Chapter 1 for the kidnapping scenario, Chapter 2 for the funtime with all office girls & Chapter 3 because the bondage café scenario is great and so far, it's awesome :ok_hand: 2) More vibrators :eyes: 3) Gag sequences 4) Still the Chapter 1 Still here since Day 1. Never got disappointed by your work. Keep going !


Hey, so I'm a newer patron, but I really do love your art. For me, the first gag sequence with jenn is my favorite of all your comics (slightly biased because I love how you draw wrap otm gags) mainly because of the detail in how you show each step of the gag process, I personally would like for you to continue focus showing the characters getting gagged and reacting to getting muffled in more detail. (Also Blindfolds and socks are never a bad feature :D) I think your linework has improved a great deal over the course of the comics, especially in the latest chapter, very excited to see more, this page is well worth the money!


I like the simplicity of the first chapter. Just 2 damsels kidnapped and toyed with. In the future, I think more groping would be awesome. It's like a reward that comes with the bondage


You could definitely tell that, for each chapter, the art got much cleaner, as you pointed out. However, I still love each one for the sheer fact that your art has always been awesome. Nothing will beat chapter one though, for me. Jenn is such a babe! <3


While Chapter 1 did do layered gags first, I really enjoyed the layered gags in Chapter 3. They were more unique like the layered stuffing, black tape/cleave, and OTN gag that Rebecca got in Ch. 3 over the stuffing, microfoam tape, and packing tape used in Ch. 1 (which was still pretty good and especially great for tape gag fans.) As always, your gag sequences are dope and you really have mastered the concept. I don't have a preference on how many panels or which kind of layout should be used as long as you continue to show each part of a gag being applied. Chapter 3 does have my favorite art. The thicker lines really fit your art style. I enjoyed seeing the cast of Ch. 2 return in Ch.3, but I do miss the cast from Ch. 1, so I'm glad they'll be returning in the 4th chapter. Grant and Eric are funny characters and I love the comic relief they bring. For example, Eric wanting to keep Frey's ransom photo and immediately recording the girls in bondage made me chuckle. I also love Michelle's design, she's my favorite character with second place being Jackie. It would be nice to see her tied up in Ch. 4 Your world building and character development are great, especially for a DID-themed comic series. Every chapter, I'm learning more about your OCs and the world they're in. I'm sure you may already have a story planned out for Ch. 4, but I would love to see Michelle in action or her DID adventures as a cop. My only minor complaint is the grammar and spelling in each chapter. It's nothing serious since the comics are focused on bondage after all. As mentioned before, I love the writing and dialogue, and fixing the grammar and spelling errors will make reading easier. For example, pretty is misspelled as "preety" throughout the comics and apostrophes were missing in contractions like don't or can't. I can't deny that the writing has improved in each chapter and these errors have been mostly reduced in Ch. 3 Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for the future!


Chapt 3 was suppose to be more leather and s&m bindings but ended with ropes and tape due to polls held during its development.


Yeah mostly its just tape gags. Chpt 3 had an otn, was supposed to be a leather focuse chapter but the polls say otherwise. Good thing i got someone to fix up the isues with the dialogue there are fewer mistakes since then.


I'm kind of new here, and I am having a hard time location Chapter 2. Can you please send a link? Thanks :) (Awesome work, by the way!)