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bit of a long post and somewhat rant.

Yeah progress has been terrible this month too even tho i don't have any commissions, been busy with other stuff. And a lot of those are my personal faults, being lazy at times and not being able to work on it seriously.

I cant promise anything next month since commissions are starting again. But right now i'll try to finish up till page 11 by the 4th and just hope for the best next month. Poll would be finished before that.

Still I'm very surprise with you all, even tho i don't have any commissions the number of patrons are increasing thus keeping up with the payout when i do have some, not to mention long time patrons still going along with my bad progress lately.

I really cant tell whats special with me, there are tons more great artist you could use your money on, hell I'm even a patron on some of those. Guess this lack of self confidence could be a factor and video games definitely. You could say this an even bigger blunder than me buying persona 5 then seeing the P5R trailer the following week.

But still if I want to actually make this a full time job I need to be more productive but still not lose quality. Looking back last year I could see changes in quality in some stuff so i could finish stuff quickly. And the recent comics, compared to the last two it does seem a bit rushed, well in my mind i try to have at least one bondage scene on every five pages. I really wanted to do more in this Patreon and even some non payed stuff but i guess I'm running low on creative juice lately. 

Well like I said earlier I'll just hope for the best next month. And thank you to everyone who keeps up with my shenanigans and I really do hope that I'm providing your money's worth.

You guys are the ones holding this Patreon together, THANKS!



I started watching you on Deviantart and I really enjoy your content, as well as the frequency of your posts. That being said though, since this is a job it makes sense to provide yourself time to rest and recharge like any other job would. Personally I'm happy providing some support to an artist that deserves it and if I had to wait a bit so they can perform at their best then that's fine by me


I haven't been one of your patrons for all that long, so maybe this will just sound like mindless ranting. But that being said... The fact that you're worried about your progress as an artist (despite making comics and pictures that show how much your skill has improved), shows how much of an artist you are. Instead of just saying, "Oh well, it's good enough and screw the patrons," you take the extra time to get the best out of each drawing. I can tell because, between comparing your original line drawings to the finished pictures, it's clear that a great level of detail is put in each time around. And sometimes great levels of detail REQUIRES a lot of time to put into it. Any other artist would likely say the same, regardless of whether or not they draw attractive women bound and gagged. Of course, this isn't to say that you should be lazy in creating and uploading drawings; I appreciate you being honest on that score. Lack of self-confidence can do that, though, where you just feel like anything you put up isn't as good as what other artists make...please, whatever you do, DON'T THINK LIKE THAT. Those other great artists (i.e. lostonezero), probably dealt with the same issues of dissatisfaction with their own work at one point or another. Hell, one of the reasons I became a patron for you was because of your distinct art style, and I think a lot of your other patrons might tend to agree (I don't know for sure, of course). Would I like to see it more often? The answer would be an emphatic YES, obviously. But we're all only human, and sometimes life (or P5) gets in the way. Also, given your mention of P5...is it just me, or would that make an awesome DID drawing? One your OC's (I'm thinking Jenn) could be shown getting obsessed with playing the game, forcing some of the other girls to put her in "time out," with duct tape and rope. Just an idea, but it could be a kinky depiction of a real-life problem for anyone who likes good video games...but doesn't want them to take over their life. I guess my overall point is that you shouldn't stop making progress, even if it's, as you put it in the title of your post, "bad." Don't question the fact that you have a lot of supporters; accept this as proof that you're better than you think. We'll understand if you encounter some hiccups along the way, because life is full of those. Just don't let them stop you in your tracks. I'll stop the cliche-filled rant here. I look forward to seeing more of your awesome comics and drawings when they're ready for the public, patron-fee paying eye!


Don't go selling yourself short here. I respect your honesty, but the temporary loss of motivation happens to almost everybody, whether it be freelancers, students, artists, programmers, etc. Building a solid working habit/schedule takes time, and I'm sure you'll get used to things in time. You have been and are still successful in providing your patrons the perks they signed up for. It's also a bonus when you have these bursts of inspiration and create additional pieces for us. The recent artwork that comes to mind would be your anniversary picture, the JJBA stand, the Gravion piece, and the Toga-Camie situation. These are pieces that nobody thought to ask for but never knew they actually needed. It's great fan-service for us and I believe you did the right thing by following through with your ideas, as any artist should. As for the comics, I'm still enjoying them and the rate pages have been produced, whether it be sketches, ink, or fully colored. It's great that you're getting patrons involved too by releasing polls on how the comics should proceed. De-stressing through video games or other hobbies is a must for anybody. You said it was a blunder that you purchased Persona 5 before the P5R announcement, but I completely disagree and I'm sure many P5 fans will too. It's literally never too late to get into P5. I believe people should get into it as soon as they can. And to be honest, many of us are annoyed that Atlus is milking out their announcements for the new P5 game. At this rate, it's very much possible for the new version to be released near the beginning of summer or later on, but that's a whole different discussion. Please enjoy your copy of the game, maybe you'll be inspired to create pieces with some of the characters in there. (pls do lol)


The fact that you make posts like this one is one of the many reasons I continue to support you. You actually take the time to communicate and tell us what's up. You don't just leave it up to us to figure it out. That tells me (if not us in general) that you care. Even if you posted something that just said "Hey, I'm taking a month off to recuperative and enjoy life again," you'd still get my business. Look, you're human like the rest of us. Shit happens. Life happens. You're not a robot that can crank out stuff in large batches. Each piece you submit shows that you care about quality and, for those of us who know you from dA, this matters to you. And I'm not sure what's up with the statement: "I can't really tell what's special with me." We're all our own worst critic. It's much easier to find faults within yourself but remember that not every one agrees. I can't tell you how often I've beaten myself up mentally over my own art but there are those who genuinely enjoy it too. The people you've developed relationships on here and other sites love you for YOU. The art is a huge, bonus perk. You're not wrong that there are a multitude of great artists out there. Unfortunately, I'm not a millionaire so I choose to support you, who I consider to be in the upper echelon of amazing artists. This all being said, I hope you find your mojo. Just try do your best (as you stated).