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Just finished pages 11-15 of the comic just two more months at least to finish the first chapter, its planned to be around 24-25 pages. 

And after that I'll start a new story, first is the prologue on why Freya came home late from the office and after that its a sci fi space hero fighting the kinkiest of villains, Literally the first idea I had was duct tape mummy lol.

So around May I'll be finishing the final sketches of this chapter and finalize pages 16-20. Along with new commissions.

And Ive decided we'll have themes for each fanart month, it'll give more variety to it rather than just having the more popular franchise.

For example lets say for May we'll have Police theme, so any law enforcement related character. I'll give the theme but the $10 and above tiers can help in suggesting it.

And May would also mark the aniversary of me starting to draw digitally! And You could say Its been a whole year. So from you guys I like to hear some feedback!

Your opinions would be really helpful in improving the content here and even on other sites.


How is the comic?

Our monthly FanArt?

Contents on DeviantArt, Patreon and Pixiv?

What do you like about my Art?

Things you find that needs improvement?

Anything, yes anything you could say?

I really hope to hear from you guys, I also invite the silent majority, dont be shy! this would really help in giving better content!



- The comic is excellent, probably the most kinky I've seen in my taste XP - Monthly fanarts are great, but we need more suggestions from people because last month was quite silent. - All 3 are very welcome but dA is still the best to share/comment. - Gags. Very well done and the "gag sequences" are top. - With time, your style will improve. For me right now, it's really great but I already notice some improvement :D - Microfoam gag > All


I'm not in the $10 tier, so I don't actually get to see the comic. Which reminds me: once it's done, are you planning to offer it for sale to non-$10 Patrons? I'd love to buy it. What I like about your art: you do amazing gags. Except for the artists who do the absolute best ballgags (and Nomad), I like your gags the most.


Already fixed! Im considering it but looking for somewhere to sell it, Remember the Paypal shenanigans. Thats why Im being carefull on that, Patreon is more open and specified on its adult content. Thanks! Gags are my favorite thing about DID, but anything more you could add?


Thanks man! Yeah its too quite I might need to hype up people to get them to suggest, only half the total actually gotten to vote. About the different sites I was asking for what you think of my content on each one. i do love doing GAGs, im a born comedian! Thanks Reixi you've been a great dude from the start!


How is the comic? [Dio] Comic is nothing short of amazing. I feel that it is worth more than the $10 I'm currently paying for with my tier level. It's well drawn and I love how it goes straight into bondage with some very, sexy ties and gags. Our monthly FanArt? [Dio] I think they're a great idea. Admittingly, I've been very lazy about participating in them. I hope to contribute in the next one. Contents on DeviantArt, Patreon and Pixiv? [Dio] I sub to all three contents here. I share the belief that dA will remain the most popular choice. I did have a question about your Pixiv, have you thought about adding alts to your various pics like how other artists sometimes do (hope that makes sense)? What do you like about my Art? [Dio] What's not to like? I like them very much. I consider you one of the top tiered bondage artists. Things you find that needs improvement? [Dio] For me, it's just a very, minor thing but I usually have a hard time finding the links to your stash for lineart and finished pages. I wonder if you'd be able to add them here as references for those at the appropriate tier level. Other than that, I don't see anything else I can add. Anything, yes anything you could say? [Dio] Keep up the wonderful content. Oh, and Jenn is sexy af.


Thanks Dio this is very helpfull, I'll keep that in mind about the alts. And being top tier is too much even i consider myself middle low tier. I'll make sure to fix some of those links, hope to hear more insight on this. And yes, Jenn is sexy af.


I love the comic and your art , and i know you are busy but the updates are quite slow for me but meh be an artis is difficult


You've Been here for less than a day. And your saying it's slow?