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What a wonderful Day!

Now I mentioned this at previous posts but have yet to formally announce it.

This May I am moving most of my work to my Laptop cause I may be away from my PC on the later half of this month. All work will still be on schedule apart from the comic cause that requires some assets only at my PC. And because of that the schedules for the comic will be taken up by the weekly draws with Anne and Rebecca, which is turning out to be a success.

And this month I will be starting to formally make submissions to some "Stars" if you catch my drift wink wink*

That's about it No comic for May but we're having extra weekly draws and some new platform, check out my public pages for more info on that.

Thank you to everyone new and old for supporting me here at Patreon and I hope I can provide the content that all of you here have come for.

And remember... Apes together Strong!



Not sure I get the stars part ^^’ but I’m loving the Anne and Rebecca pics :D


can't wait for more Anne and Rebecca artwork to come out soon