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Here is the final part ❤️🥰

This was supposed to be an one-shot but ended up being a long project because of the love you guys gave me ❤️❤️❤️ I’m very grateful ❤️🥰❤️🥰

This was hard work but I’m happy with it 🥰

There is another project coming, I hope you guys are excited for “Abducted” as much as I am ❤️

I hope you lovelies like this ❤️




I have a lot of questions that doesn't matter, I love the art and all the bonus panels in the chapters, you shine ✨❤️

Chris Kim

I'm going to give my honest opinions on this series, feel free to completely ignore it or whatever. Ignoring the whole cuckoldry and NTR thing going on, the ending with the girl being possessed is very questionable and worrying. It's rape at best because she wasn't giving any consent, and was forcibly possessed when she clearly showed signs of wanting to leave. If she wasn't forcibly taken over, she would have left and the story wouldn't have played out like this. Even if she came around to it at the end, it's still quite a disturbing scenario because it seems more like Stockholm syndrome at that point, and what else is she really going to do? She has no control over her own body, the ghost can force her and choose to give her absolutely no agency at all if she wishes, so the girl is forced to a decision that she probably isn't even 100% on board with. A choice made under duress, without good options, and forced, isn't a choice at all. It's like having a gun pointed to the back of your head, no choice you make at that point is truly one made with full consent at that point. And the weird thing is, you're the one who wrote it like this. You didn't even need to write it that way, you could have just written from the get go that she was chill with it from the beginning, and thus removing any no-consent issues. Either way, I personally found this disturbing enough to not want to continue supporting.


Is the antique shop employee supposed to be male or female?