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Here’s the current Uranium planet map generation and a mockup of one of the biomes. This biome shows some signs of life, but there will be other areas that will look a lot more dead and decayed. Some Uranium planets will have random ruined structures scattered around certain biomes.

The landscape is littered with huge craters. The dark green circles on the map are craters that are filled with acidic water. For planets with ruins it might suggest that the previous inhabitants were destroyed by some wide scale bombardment. For planets without ruins the craters could be from a natural processes, such as meteor strikes, super volcanoes, or perhaps my favourite made-up process: convection currents and volcanoes bring uranium up from the core to the crust where it is weathered and collects in subterranean caves until it reaches critical mass and explodes to create a new crater lake.

The challenges for this planet haven't been firmly decided yet.

The original idea was that you would need lifesupport on the planet, but that doesn’t really affect your base building. Also this will probably be one of the alternate starting planet candidates, so if lifesupport is required then there’d need to be some extra starting equipment to make that possible from the start.

The other leading idea is that there would be some appropriately themed enemy on the planet. It can’t just be a biter reskin, the combat mechanics would need to be sufficiently different. Maybe destroying spherical green glowing enemy bases could be quite dangerous, if you see where I’m going with this… another reason for how the huge craters got there.



But not really

every ore mining operation can have a very small chance to give a random ore. The reasoning would be a low rate of fusion / fission due to high radiation levels.


This would be pog