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This is the iridium planet so far. There are a few very work-in-progress things. The image on the left is the map and accurately shows what is generating right now. The map generation isn't final but it is close to what the intended look for the "desert canyons" biome. There will probably be some more open areas suitable for building bases but lacking in resources.

The image on the right has the original placement of cliffs and most of the terrain, but I used the editor to add in some darker dirt near the acid river and place some extra decorative rocks around. The automatic decorative placement is one of the things that I'll do last. For the tilesets themselves, everything will probably be swapped out. I'm working on some better sand textures, and the higher rock terrain is an early placeholder that is expected to change a lot. The tileset changes are part of the Alien Biomes updates that I'm working on in parallel.

The cliffs are made up of many small parts, that's why I can have cliffs that are longer/deeper than vanilla. At the moment those are cut up vanilla cliff texture and it's very rough but will be completely replaced in the future.

The green water is intended to be sulfuric that you can access with an offshore pump. There's some shallow water in the screenshot but that probably won't be in the final version. The current plan is that iridium will be a higher tier resource from a different star system so it's expected that you'll have a jetpack so river crossings shouldn't be a problem. I don't expect it will be viable to start a new game on an Iridium planet (there are no hydrocarbons) so pre-jetpack crossings are not needed.




Love it! Can't wait! I'm completely willing to go spaghetti if those cliffs are indestructible for that sweet iridium

Sgt Knumskull

Looks really good! Can't wait to see it in-game 👌