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I don't want to give too much context to the image, it's a sneak peek of some future content.

For a more general update, another normal version of Space Exploration is nearly ready to go with some minor improvements, bugfixes, quality of life changes, and compatibility updates. The release pattern is a little bit different these days, it tends to be fewer larger updates instead of many small updates. The main reason is that there's more of a focus on larger changes that take a little longer, and the smaller changes tend to get bundled with the larger updates instead of having their own versions.

The really big update though is the step from Space Exploration 0.5.x to 0.6.x. This version just will bring a lot of big changes, like the Space Elevator, and Space Capsule navigation, but will also have some changes to core mining, resource processing. Another large change is to the early-mid game tech tree between chemical science and the specialist sciences. The goal it to get to space sooner and smooth out the difficulty curve before the specialist sciences start. Version 0.6.1 will be in closed testing very soon. 




Oh now that's neat. So.... .6 isn't going to completely break my current production lines and such is it? Because that would be sad.


@McBeard It won't break your entire factory, but you will have to redo some bits. More specifically around core mining, resource processing, and the early-space sciences.