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Thanks for your kindly support!

We will work hard to make the game! Please stay tuned for our further updates!



Wow, this was a bit earlier than I had anticipated. I thought you guys were more aiming for a February....funding?...Anyway seeing as how you didn't reach your goal I'm quite interested as to what your doing from this point onward. Are you planning on subsequent charge posts from this point? If that's the case how are you planning to deal with this. On an unrelated note you may want to ask Full Service if they changed their mind about adding you to their update, seeing as how it looks like they may have forgot you in the last one. Hopefully I'm not unintentionally starting drama...


oh damn....I didn't see this until now...I missed pledging prior to this post was made. since I figured you guys would announce it properly. saying you would charge "soon" was a bit ambiguous. and I only just got my paycheck and coulnd't pledge prior to it. if we have missed the first charged post, are we out of luck?


Well basically...yes. If you wanna support us we've prepared other plans in the future but there would be totally not the same rewards like what we have in the first campaign.






我現在才發現右邊的收費方式改變了,然後前面某一篇似乎有寫說會有所改變,可是很不明顯耶。 如果你要改變收費方式應該要獨立發一篇聲明,而不是混在其他資訊之中,這算是重大改變,我還是不確定現在是什麼情形。 我腦袋現在挺混亂的,我搞不懂接下來是什麼情形,還有第一批支援者和之後改變收費的支援者有什麼差別 XD 不好意思可以解釋清楚一點嗎,拜託你了,我很喜歡LVLV的畫作所以才過來,遊戲試玩了也相當期待,目前是什麼情況可以講解一下嗎?


啊不好意思造成困扰了!现在的情况是这样的: 1.我们正在暂时冻结以往的档位(现在应该已经不可选择),并在将来将它们删除。 2.我们准备了新的档位并将在下次更新的时候进行公布~现在还在准备一些内容中,不过由于无法将档位信息隐藏的关系它们现在已经显示出来了。 3.不久之后回有专门的更新公告说明状况的!以及还会公布和其他游戏联动的角色~ 依然抱歉造成信息混淆~