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Happy New Years guys!

It's about a month since the campaign starts! Maybe it seems far away from the 50k goal we initially set, we think it's ok to begin with the current amount actually! XD

Please don't cancel your pledges yet as we haven't collect them at the point. We will start post the "Charge Post" at the end of this month. After that we will clear the current pledges and start our continous campaign! 

And here is an enemy designed by my friend ArkAlpha.He is a talented artist! I invited him to make the initial design of some enemies. And I work on the stylization with his design. The result looks like this!

Wish you all have a good good 2019!!!



Ok I have a question. What do you mean by continous campaign? An explenation of what that is would probably be good prior to the charging post.


Have you guys thought about launching the campaign through Kickstarter and then doing the continuous campaign through Patreon? I'm a little hesitant to give my initial payment for the game through Patreon because campbuddy did it this way and getting the game ended up being messy.


Thanks for asking it! We wished we could use Kickstarter but we would meet a big problem dealing with the payment. And to be honest if we are about to disappoint you there is no difference what platform we are going to use, right?


In the future we will provide some monthly sketch illustrations and dev-informations, some public demo occasionally. They are extra, but we hope they would interest you.


Does the digital copy of the game include both SFW and NSFW versions for mac too?