One very ticklish ham🐽❤️ (Patreon)
2022-04-21 23:03:43
Hello ticklers and ticklees!
I was modeling dear ol' Piggendorf and decided to pull a quickie on him X3 He's still not completely rigged but it's enough for the tickle hands to take him on a joy ride 😍
I gave him a good pair of thicc chubby legs to grab on X3, I also made him a bit taller than Kevin, and I was finally able to fix the hand rotation XD which was a pain in my ass for a very VERY long time. But the biggest detail has got to be those furry ticklish pits of him X3 Mmmmhmmm Indeed. I gotta say that I am getting really good at this. He was almost no work at all!
Anyway! feel free to drop a comment or join the Discord Server for on the go art :3 and thanks for your support ❤️