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Today I am writing to give you an update on me for a change. As you may already know I haven't been active lately and the main reason is that I just moved out of my ex's place to live on my own... alone... on my own.

I have lived and shared my life with him for over 11 years and it's both heartbreaking and, and... and.. well... I don't really think any other word would describe how I am feeling right now. I can't express what this means to me. My Ex was the biggest pillar of light in my life that help me focus and keep me motivated both in my personal life and in my work.

He was the only one in my life that has been an actual positive influence. He always motivated me to pursue my own haplessness, to pursue my dreams. He accepted me with all my flaws and my fetishes and defended me against all odds. 

We slept together, we ate together, we shared our lives completely, and I've never done that with anyone that wasn't my own family. And now, that he is no longer with me I have to stand on my own two feet and move forward.

As you can imagine breaking up with him is both the hardest thing I've done and the saddest moment in my life.

I haven't been able to make much art because of this. Cuz well... drawing happy characters when you are dying inside is really really hard.

On the bright side I'm taking therapy to help me cope and become more self confident and well not cry myself to sleep every night.

And of course, I got you guys. Yeah, you guys are also a big pillar of light in my life, believe it or not. It is because of you that I am able to overcome this major shift in my personal life that I would otherwise would not have the strength or economic stability to handle.

I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with me, for believing in my work, for believing in my art, for believing in me. I'm trying hard to get back to making more art for  you, it's just a little harder that I would like.

I apologize for such a long post but I felt I had to give you an update on what's going on and because you deserve to know the truth.

Once again, thank you... Thank you so, so, so much for being here, in my time of need, for being my Patrons.



I think you may need to find someone with your fetish it will be more fun for you just remember that if you ask for a "dommy daddy" you may find crazy peoples so take it SLOW like really SLOW


Sorry to hear that. What happened that you had to break up? If that question is not too personal.


It may take some time to adjust living by yourself, hope everything will work out for you very soon. Stay strong 💪🏻