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Hey you guys!

Sorry for being so quiet this past month. I've been working on a small visual novel game and it's proven to be way harder than I expected.

I also hurt my neck and shoulders which put me out of commission for a few days TwT so I've been trying to recover from that. Right now I had to drag my ass to the computer (lol) and make this post cuz I don't want to keep you guys in the dark.

So today I wanted to update you a bit and decided to posts these previews of art I am doing. I do expect to be back soon so hang in there a bit more.

I have more but as I said, I've had a hard month. As for the game I am almost done doing the first story. I would post it now, but I don't like how it is so I am going to a few more pics and story lines to give a proper ending.

Anyway, thank you so much for understanding 💖 and hope to post more art soon!



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