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August 1994
Quidditch World Cup Final

The elf's appearance came as a shock to Crouch.
He muttered, "No this can't be...Winky... What happened Amos?"

Amos replied grimly, "I found the elf there, where the dark mark was conjured."

Crouch jerked away, "No... How?"

Arthur interjected, "You cannot be serious, Amos. A dark mark is Wizard's sign. It requires a wand."

"Yes," said Amos, "And she had a wand." He added showcasing the extra wand in his hand.

Ludo apparated exactly at the same moment.
He was breathless, "The Dark mark." He continued, "Where have you been Crouch? Have you found out who did it?"

Crouch did not answer and only stared angrily at a whimpering elf.

Amos turned and faced Winky, "Elf… I am a member from Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creature. Tell me did you summon the mark?"

Winky trembled in fear, "I is not doing it sir...." she whimpered, "I is not knowing how to do it."

Amos roared, "You were found at the site where the dark mark was conjured... with a wand in hand."

Winky started to cry but Hermione interjected at the moment, "It was not Winky. We heard the incantation. It was a deep voice nothing like Winky's squeak."

She looked towards Ron for his support but that fool did not said anything.

Amos stared at Winky and waved the wand almost in her face, "If you did not cast the mark, elf, do tell me, what were you doing at this place and where did you picked this wand?"

Winky whimpered, "I is founding the wand in there in the woods... sir... I is not doing it… sir."

At the moment Ron's panicked voice came, "That is my wand."

Everyone stared at Ron incredulously.
Arthur questioned, "And why don't you have it?"

Ron muttered, "I lost it in the woods when I was running away."

Amos' eyes turned hard and he pointed his wand at Ron's wand and said, "Prior Incantato."
Immediately a snake skull, the miniature version of the dark mark, emerged from Ron's wand. Amos immediately removed his wand and the miniature mark disappeared.

"The settles that mark was cast from this wand," said Amos, "Elf did you see someone?"

Winky said in shivering voice, "I is not seeing anyone sirs."

Amos turned towards Crouch, "Crouch… I should take her to my department but seeing she is your elf, I leave everything to you."

Crouch muttered, "Rest assured. She will most definitely be punished. I had ordered her to remain in the tent. She violated my order."

Winky stammered, "Master... Master... Winky be afraid... Don't punish."

Crouch ignored the elf, "She will be given clothes."

Winky continued to whimper in a pleading tone, while Crouch took out a handkerchief and threw it at Winky breaking the bond with her.

Hermione said nervously, "But it was not Winky."

Crouch wanted to snap at her, but caught the green eyes of Harry staring in his soul, which made him shut up.

Hermione seemed wanting to help Winky but could not do anything.
All the ministry wizards including Crouch, Amos and Bagman departed from the scene.
Arthur too bellowed the 'golden trio' to follow him, back to the tents.

Hermione questioned, "What is going to happen to her?"
Arthur sighed, "I don't know."
Hermione continued, "How could they do this to her... They treated her like a slave… and Mr. Diggory called her elf all the time."

She wanted to say more but Arthur cut her, "Hermione, though I agree with you, this is not the place to discuss. Let us go."

Hermione sadly nodded and followed behind.

Harry took a moment to follow but not before speaking, "Winky, if you want to work for me, call for Dobby. He will answer you."

Winky stopped whimpering and looked at Harry in surprise, "I is knowing Dobby. I will contact Dobby."

Harry nodded and followed behind the group.

In the way they trekked in silence, while he found Hermione holding his hands in a tight grip.
The silence was broken by Arthur, "Harry, where were you? We were so worried about you."

Harry answered, "I was not able to sleep Mr. Weasley. So I decided to take a walk outside the tent... I heard the screams and ran in different directions in the woods."

Arthur nodded simply.

Harry questioned, "So what exactly happened?"

Arthur sighed, "No one knows. It seems one group of wizards decided to relive their old days."

He said referring to the death eaters. He continued, "But a masked wizard intercepted him. From what I heard from the aurors and witnesses, the wizard most probably killed two of them. Also, he fired some kind of thunder spell in the end which must have injured other few of them. But as soon as the aurors arrived, both the wizard and the group were gone. They took the bodies of those who died with them."

Harry nodded in understanding and silently followed Arthur back to their tents, where Bill, Charlie and Percy were waiting for them.

They asked a lot of questions to Arthur but Harry paid no attention to them and silently waited for the morning.

Although he was not that much tired, Harry wanted to return home.

He caught both Hermione and Ron stealing glances at him. He could guess Hermione was being nervous and probably wanted to ask a lot of questions.

With the first morning ray, he approached Arthur, "I think I should leave Mr. Weasley."

Arthur nodded and took out another handkerchief.
Harry said, "I will go by myself Mr. Weasley. I can use the portkey. I will take a public transport from the Leaky Cauldron. You are required here."

Though Arthur was uncertain, he gave the portkey to Harry.

Harry gave a small nod to Hermione and activated the portkey disappearing from the tent.


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