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“Where the blight is Kris?” Lillin demanded as she and Nox snuck toward the town.

“Probably stalking them while invisible. Knowing her, she wants to find the person behind this before casting her big spells and giving herself away. The best way to end things is to cut off the snake's head instantly. The rest will fall during the confusion afterward.”

“It better not happen at the cost of Alexander.”

“Are you attracted to him?” Nox asked.

“No, but he's cute. In the same way, you find puppies and baby raccoons cute,” Lillin answered. “I just want to protect him, pet him, and ensure nothing bad happens.”

“Humans aren't pets, Lillin.”

“C'mon. Admit it. You're a little bit like my pet.” Lillin chuckled and followed up with the oddly human gesture of pecking Nox on the cheek.

He punched her upper arm. Even though the blow was light, unnatural enhancement and armor left Nox's knuckles stinging. “Stay on task. We need to get to the pyramid unnoticed. There are too many of them.”

“That’s not happening unless your marbles contain spells as powerful as Joey or Kris’.”

“They’re still beyond my capabilities.” Nox sighed. “I’ll need more surface area to etch runescripts as complex, and it's a major mana sink.”

“Well, you need to think of something, or we’ll lose two more party members. It won’t look good if you have new companions every six months.”

“That’s not the only reason I want to save the Woodsons, Lillin.”

“Do you not care that Alexander might be the last druid and the key to humanity’s future?”

“Not in the slightest,” Nox said. “He’s our friend. That’s all the reason I need.”

Myconids walked the cavern’s edge. They resembled larger versions of the elite royal guards Nox had chained in his basement. Unlike specimens Nox had encountered before, they had bright, bioluminescent veins coursing just under their outermost layer. The creatures used tools and carried weapons as they dug into the cavern’s walls, proving themselves smarter than any myconid had faced before.

Cultists walked past the hulking mushroom beasts without drawing any hostility. Nox spotted humans commanding them in several instances. The almost-boss-rank monsters and mages were cooperating. Nox had never witnessed anything of the kind before.

“What’s the dilemma?” Lillin asked.

“What do you mean?” Nox continued to study the myconids and streets running through the town. He struggled to find a clear path through them to their destination.

“I’ve known you for far too long, Nox. You don't have a plan yet, which means you’re hesitating. What’s the dilemma?”

“If the Woodsons are here, it means there is nothing but Kris’ spell defending the portal. Ernest might be powerful, but he lacks the means to deal with an overwhelming swarm.”

“You’re worried about Aria.”

“It doesn’t matter. There is no going back now. We go forward and solve this problem, or far more people than she, the Beauforts, and Pudge will be in trouble.” Nox smiled as he finally thought of the best route. “Forget keeping silent. We need chaos. How many flame slime flasks do we have?”

“About two dozen, but only five are from the newest batch.”

“That’s fine,” Nox said. “We don’t care about reducing the flesh’s toxicity or redistributing the life essence. Give me half.” Lillin removed thirteen bell-bottom flasks from her storage and carefully placed them in a slotted case for Nox. “We’re going to split up—”

“Are you mad?”

“My spell marbles will suffice. We’re not attacking or fighting.” Nox paused, taking a long swig of his empowering cocktail. Sniper’s Eye, Feline Grace, and Sprinter’s High almost activated simultaneously. “Uncork and empty each flask along the town’s edge until parallel to the pyramid. Then sneak through the city and meet behind it.”

“I think you’re rushing it—”

“That’s because we don’t have a lot of time. Kris’ spell will end in just over an hour. Cause chaos and destruction. Destroy the well. Rescue the Woodsons. Flee. We'll take the opportunity if we can cause more damage along the way.”

“Fine.” Lillin sighed. “Just don’t get yourself killed. Alright?”

Nox gave her two light essence spheres and one of illusory magic. Given Lillin’s climbing ability and speed, he was sure she didn’t need more. The mimic physiology combined with gravity magic made her closer to an expert than an adept threat.

The pair broke into runs, heading in opposite directions. Nox kept low and stuck close to the stone structures. He used a light essence marble to mask his presence when he saw cultist groups ahead. Kris’ basic invisibility spell didn’t muffle sounds or mask any other presence, but Nox didn’t care. He emptied a container of fire slime by the two giant myconids near them and moved on. His footsteps drew confused looks, and then terror followed as the alchemically made organisms feasted and multiplied. They only had life spans of ten to fifteen minutes after activation, but it was enough time to wreak havoc.

The next group he encountered was busy trying to get a look at the chaos and discern their companions’ source of panic when Nox reached them. He employed a smoke bomb to confuse them before emptying another flask.

Nox didn’t have a third round of luck. The next cluster of cultists he encountered were alert and racing toward their companions. One among their rank paused and alerted the rest when she heard Nox coming. This time, he employed Trap Foam and frost essence glass inscribed with an explosion spell. The Aritsan’s Arm tripped one for good measure. Then he used Mage Hand to throw another marble into a nearby alley, causing a second explosion. It harmed no one, but Nox hoped the act redirected their attention from his footsteps and arcane presence.

Sounds of similar turmoil rang in the distance. Lillin had planted similar seeds of chaos on the other side of town. By Nox’s estimate, he was ahead of her, which was a surprise. The mimic-woman’s physiology and years of experience with Haste made her significantly faster than him. Mimic instincts made her excellent at stealth, too.

Nox had no choice but to slow down as the throngs of people grew thicker. The more intelligent cultists had already guessed someone was targeting the myconids and gathered around them, forcing Nox to use riskier tactics. He used more essence bombs, smoke screens, and Trap Foam than he had hoped. Blind retaliatory attacks forced him to take cover and slip between the buildings to find alternate routes forward.

Nox was almost at the point where he was to switch from sneaking along the town's perimeter and heading toward its heart when Otis stopped him. The gremlin pulled him into a narrow, dark alley, filling his head with the image of giant, clawed bats. A swarm of the creatures flew past them a moment later. The enemy had summoners among them and weren't just trying to stop the chaos but also find its sources.

Instead of waiting for the danger to pass, Nox fished a tool out of his satchel and handed it to the gremlin. The spirit horn had served no purpose thus far besides being a source of sound essence. He sent Otis an image of zipping around the settlement and blowing it at random points to seed chaos. The once cowardly spirit didn't cower or hesitate. He projected excitement, so Nox gave him a couple of vials of alchemical explosives, too. The idea of mischief appealed to the gremlin. He hopped around Nox for a moment before shooting off in the opposite direction. Nox waited until Otis blew the horn for the first time, and the bats followed it before taking off again.

The dungeon trembled. Nox didn't know whether it meant Terrastalia had made landfall or the chaos had drawn the dungeon lord's ire. There was also the possibility of Otis activating the horn's innate magic and drawing spirits to the area. He didn't wait to find out. A pink marble etched with a minor illusion spell masked Nox's presence again, and he broke into a run.

As predicted, the road to the pyramid was deserted. Most cultists had rushed to the town's border to stop the fire slimes while the rest looked for the hornblower. While sprinting to his destination, Nox instructed Otis to ditch his new toy if things got too dangerous. The explosives would cover his escape, buying the spirit enough time to dispel himself.

By the time he reached the buildings bordering the pyramid and reunited with Lillin, only forty-five minutes remained until Kris's protection spell ended. Aria and his friends wouldn't have much of a chance at survival once that happened. Much to their relief, the bulk of the cultists around the pyramid were now busy elsewhere. However, the few that remained guarding the structure were at least at the peak adept, if not low-expert.

The pair circled the pyramid until they found the side with the weakest and dumbest-looking guards. Lillin spoke before Nox could present his plan. “Let's just try walking past them,” she said, presenting two marsh-green coats from her spatial storage. Their crest featured a wasp on a round shield. Two golden badges also sat pinned to the lapel. The pyramid's guards wore similar outfits, but their pins were grander and had more intricate designs. “We can tell them that we have information for the Master.”

“That's probably a good idea,” Nox accepted the better fitting of the two coats. “Experts on guard duty probably have powerful detection spells.”

“Sound more surprised, why don't you?”

The pair adjusted their clothing and smeared dirt on each other's faces. Lillin went as far as manipulating flesh and skin to cover herself in lacerations and better sell the lie. Since forehead cuts tended to bleed a lot, Nox also sliced himself just above the right eyebrow. It stung, and he had to deal with blood dripping over the eye, but it looked convincing to Lillin. They discussed their ruse once more before approaching the pyramid. Lillin dislocated her left arm at the elbow and let it bend the wrong way while supporting a limping Nox with the right.

“We have a word for the master,” Nox said in his best Imperian accent when the guards stopped. Nervousness regarding the ploy added uncertainty to his voice, and his heart sounded in his chest as he spoke.

“I don't care,” the guardsman said. He looked concerned and tired. Nox suspected he wanted to help solve the chaos, but duty kept him glued to his position. “Find the blighted horn first. Master's orders.”

“This is more important!” Lillin protested, slurring her words. She almost sounded like she had come from the Edelweiss barony.

“Don't you dare contradict me, country bitch!” The man spat. “Do as you're told before I break your other arm, too.”

“You don't understand. We—” Nox added a wince to sell the act. “We were fetching mana crystals for Master. Someone opened a portal on the eastern face. The druid brought an army into the mountain.”

The guards exchanged wide-eyed looks. “Dean Woodson is here?”

“We heard them talking about the well,” Nox added. He spoke fast but tried to keep the words coherent. “The crone sensed the spell. She said something about eliminating it from the world for good.”

“By Niddhogg’s taint, how are you alive?”The second guard asked. She appeared more convinced and terrified than the first. Nox had heard her discussing leaving their post to investigate the commotion in the town. The woman had a brother somewhere in Terrastalia and was terrified for his life.

“We played dead, collapsed a bridge, and then fled,” Lillin answered. “You'll find them if you follow the Wellspawn. The dumb bugs are throwing themselves against the portal and dying.” Her lip trembled, and her eyes filled with tears. “The Wolfhammer is here. His summon killed my brother. Please. Let us talk to Master.”

“If the Woodsons and Wolfhammer are here, this is just the beginning,” the first guard said, gulping audibly.

As luck would have it, Otis picked the exact moment to trigger an explosive. The clever gremlin did it at the mouth of a tunnel heading away from the mountain's heart. Then, a powerful tremor followed. It felt as if a distant section of the mountain was coming down. Nox believed it was probably Kris that triggered the latter. She prioritized destroying the well and the flow of critters toward the portal.

“Go tell, Master,” the guard said. “Get healed and guard this spot with your lives. Only the badged enter the pyramid. Do you understand?”

Nox nodded.

The man thrust a rectangular glass and metal device into Nox's hands. It resembled a manameter. “Transmit Master's instructions to everyone, brother. Nargle be with you.”

“And you,” Nox said just as the two expert mages darted toward the explosion. He waited until they were our odds sight before scaling the pyramid's steps. “Follow the Voidspawn? Really? That was a stupid thing to tell them. You ate nearly twenty blighted brains and cores and couldn’t come up with something more useful?”

“No,” Lillin replied. “They needed the detail for it to be convincing. I know Aria, and everyone is in trouble. We’ll just need to act quickly.”

“This Master of theirs is at least a high expert, Lillin. What makes you think we stand a chance?”

“We don’t. However, Bi Xi will release the spell if we somehow damage or destroy the Well of Pestilence.”

The pyramid shook as the pair reached the entrance halfway up its side. The sweet smell of dried rose petals and cinnamon flowed from the dimly lit passage ahead. Despite his Sigil of Resistance, Nox felt nauseous.


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