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“Ruipur and its neighboring city-states are largely matriarchal in stark contrast to most of Daksinthan. The societal hierarchies are unusually close to the wildfowl settlements in the Arctic North. When a Daksinthani woman sees a partner she desires, nothing but the bonds of marriage will stop her from pursuing the person.

Councils of powerful female mages lead the artisan cities with a similar drive. Their gentle but strict touch and firm economic stances have made their delta one of the most politically stable corners of the continent.”

—Lorraine Woodson, Dungeon Researcher, Stone Golemancer

When Nox got some free time during the following week, he brewed a Tincture of Sigil Awakening. Several months had passed since he last checked his progress, and Aria reported something odd about the tattoo on his chest.

A new section glowed on the Sigil of Immunity’s pillar. When Nox focused on it, words appeared in his mind’s eye. “Divining Magic Resistance.” He couldn’t help but smile despite the implications. Someone was clearly arcanically investigating him, tracking his movements, attempting to steal knowledge or study his dreams. Their activities had stirred the sigil’s magic and granted Nox precisely what he desired.

Nox poured stored energy into the sigil, empowering its newest feature. Henceforth, all divining spells used on him would further strengthen his resistance, making subsequent uses weaker. He directed some to Mana Burn Resistance as well, even though quite some time had passed since he suffered the ailment's effects. He hoped it would help his body heal the damage and eventually grow his mana zone.

Several months had passed since Nox used the tincture. It was close to the end of the last semester when he upgraded the sigils, and didn’t expect much to change. Much to his surprise, Sigil of the Artisan had gained enough energy to evolve twice over. Before upgrading the existing features, Nox explored the newer options.

“Nimble Fingers. Eye for Detail. Masterwork’s Pursuit.”

Nox had read about Masterwork’s Pursuit, and closer inspection confirmed his suspicions. The power would guide his instincts to find faults and inefficiencies in his work. It was a powerful growth path for Sigil of the Artisan. However, it benefited artificers more than alchemists and manufacturers of single-use products. Still, it tempted Nox. He believed it would eventually help him develop exceptional recovery brews, more potent than his current product line or Trap Foam, capable of capturing the likes of Hogg’s Avatar.

Nimble Fingers would give Nox the most consistent results, and he locked it in before temptation got the better of him. After all, the upgrade wouldn’t just improve his artisanal skills but also combat prowess. Despite what the name suggested, the upgrade didn’t just improve one’s dexterity but also overall control over their body. Nox hoped it would enhance his ability to move while under the effects of Haste.

Once accelerated movement became second nature to Nox, he planned on improving his mastery of Essence Master and Mage Hand. Currently, he only used the cantrip to control his Artisan’s Arm. The tool primarily helped Nox reposition while delving. Otis and the squirrels kept Nox wary of his surroundings while he sniped opponents or supported the party. If something snuck past the vanguard or rearguard or flanked them, the third arm helped him avoid surprise attacks.

Ratra’s Bow also made balancing a struggle whenever it grew, gaining more power. Artisan’s Arm would grip the ground or a nearby surface and turn Nox into an immovable turret, absorbing recoil and letting him draw freely.

Nox believed there was a lot more he could do with Mage Hand. Even though he found no documentation supporting his suspicions, he hypothesized Nimble Fingers would improve his mastery of the cantrip—most used Mage Hand as a long-range manipulation tool, generally as an extension of their natural reach. Nox obviously enjoyed no such benefits because of his limited mana zone. He hoped to compensate for the shortcomings with incredible control.

The following Sixthday morning, Nox gave the Tanner family the day off. They had proven themselves as excellent employees, always going above and beyond their job parameters. The trio made running the building a breeze. Allen assisted with the books. His wife kept everything spotless and ensured Nox, Lillin, and the Woodsons were never short of clean clothes. Meanwhile, the only cooks that rivaled Leana’s cooking lived on the Golden Isles. She always stocked the cold boxes for her days off or when anyone wanted a late-night snack—which Nox and Lillin frequently did.

Lillin, Alexander, his squirrels, and Jess worked together to keep the building clean and prepare meals in the Tanner family’s absence. Meanwhile, Nox managed the store and manned the non-cosmetics counter. The business was busy as expected on most Sixthdays, and he used the opportunity to train his apprentices on the customer-facing side of the business.

Alchemists didn’t always have the luxury of salespeople running the counters or shilling their products. More often than not, they needed to take responsibility for making sales while keeping an eye on cauldrons bubbling in the back. A day could come when Nox lost the business or struggles forced Nox to get rid of his staff and run it alone. He couldn’t afford to fall out of practice either.

Some regulars appeared disappointed that the only drinks available were cookies and iced tea, but that didn’t stop them from handing over their gold for products Nox loved marking up. He sold the cosmetics—especially the regular skin care ointments—in small bottles, enough for two daily uses for fourteen days. Most customers failed to make it last as long. Some sent maids or butlers, but most preferred coming in personally and talking to the staff about the latest product performance. Nox’s favorite customers often had feedback and gave him ideas on how to improve.

Ratra’s Knightly Brews now sold three separate varieties of cosmetics, catering to the most common skin types in the city. Locals and the Imperium-born bought his products the most frequently. After all, Nox created the original line of products with them as the target. The second version served eastern clientele. Nox didn’t know many individuals who originated from the Yellowrock Wastes, endless dunes’ borders, or the lands to the east of them. However, the university, dungeon, and the city’s convenient location had drawn a significant population of them. He made almost half as much money selling to them as his primary clientele.

Nox’s newest line served the Daksinthani skin type. Gupta Alchemists served as their primary supplier. Thanks to Swati’s patronage and his reasonable prices, his sales continued to grow. Currently, he barely made a quarter as much as the primary product lines’ sales by selling to Daksinthanis. Regulars walked in the door as Nox manned the counter, and he was almost glad to see them. Instead of joining the line at Hilda’s counter, Swati and her friends approached him.

“I was hoping to run into you,” she said, flashing him a toothy smile.

“It’s nice to see you, too, Swati,” Nox replied, offering a friendly smile. “We missed you in Advanced Dungeon Combat this week.”

“Professor Wolfhammer gave us permission to challenge adept rifts. We took some time off classes and challenged one to the north.” Her left arm sat in a sling. “It had an arctic biome, and my skin didn’t like it one bit. I hoped you had something stronger than usual to accelerate recovery.”

“You caught me at a bad time, unfortunately.” Nox offered an apologetic smile. “I gave half my staff the day off and can’t afford to leave the counter. Otherwise, I’d whip up something to help.”

Swati took Nox’s hand and ran his fingers over her cheek, neck, and finally collar bone. “See how dry and coarse it feels? Can’t you do anything? Please. I’m desperate. I’m happy to pay extra and—”

“How about you come by after the fifth-afternoon bell?” Nox asked, trying to retrieve his hand. Swati’s strength made his efforts pointless, leaving him to stand with his hand uncomfortably close to her breasts. Her giggling friends and the watching customers made the situation exponentially worse than it should’ve been. Nox spotted Aria’s acquaintances among the customers, too. “Business slows down after the fourth, and I can freely whip something together for you then.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Swati replied, flashing a mischievous smile. “We’re hosting a small, intimate gathering at Harin’s estate. Why don’t you come by around the sixth bell and bring it by then? He’s been dying to have you over, and we can introduce you to some lovely people.”

“I don’t know—”

“Bring a few samples of your newest line as well.” Swati held his wrist with both hands and leaned over the counter. Her lips almost touched Nox’s ear as she whispered. “I’ve been talking up your creations for weeks, but people are much too loyal to the Guptas. Come tonight, and I’ll help you steal customers away from them.”

“Fine.” Nox sighed. “It’ll be closer to the seventh bell than the sixth by the time I get there.”

“Excellent! You’ll have a great time. I promise.” She started pulling away, then hesitated. “Don’t bring a date. Alright? The event is invite only.”

Nox waited until there was a lul before leaving Hilda and Emily to run the store. He rushed upstairs to the apartment. Nox skipped brunch to help with the store. As a result, everyone had finished early and scattered. Only Aria remained in the study, nursing a giant cup of tea and studying. He shared everything that had just happened with Swati.

“Well. I know what she's trying, and I'm certainly not happy about it, but you have to go.”

“Really?” Nox raised an eyebrow. “You can't be serious. I'm not fond of how Harin and his friends talk about me having non-Daksinthani friends. And I'm sure Swati is trying to seduce me.”

“Is it working?”

“Of course not. I just find such behavior unsavory. I'd rather not socialize with people like them.”

“It might be a little crass, but there is nothing wrong with her behavior, Nox,” Aria replied. She closed her book and leaned back in her chair, smiling mischievously. “Do you remember how I behaved when we first met? She isn't doing anything different. We aren't engaged, formally promised to one another, and haven't publicly declared our status either. If Swati is genuinely interested in you, she currently has every right to make her intentions known. Either way, Swati and her plans are immaterial here. I trust you not to do anything that would hurt me or atheist our entanglement before you do. This gathering is an important opportunity for you. It's vital you attend tonight for the business and your staff's sake.”

“We're doing well enough, Aria.” Nox sighed, leaning against the table next to her. “I'd rather not put myself in an uncomfortable position and get involved—”

Aria smiled, taking Nox's hand and kissing the back of it. “I've gone over your books, Nox. You might be fine right now, but you'll struggle once the semester ends. Taxes, staffing costs, and paying suppliers will consume whatever funds you have left. Growing your customer base might just help you combat the eventuality.”

Nox sighed. “I suppose I need to get used to getting into situations I hate. It just feels like selling myself. That's all.”

“A good businessman can't sell his product or services if he can't sell himself first.”

The couple sat in silence for a moment, staring at one another. Nox's heartbeat unexpectedly picked up when he spoke up. “You're special to me, you know. It's not just platonic anymore.”

“I know,” Aria laughed. She rose from her seat and kissed him. “I like you, too, but you need to get back to the store before we get carried away.”

“What if I want to get carried away?” Nox asked.

“Then I'd call you an irresponsible business owner and store manager.” Aria returned to her seat and books. “Now go away. We have exams in six weeks. I need to prepare.”


Peter Bourgeois

not sure if atheist is the right word - "hurt me or atheist our entanglement "


I think bro said he wasn't a native English speaker, so there are some silly phonetic spelling mistakes(lul/lull), but I think that one was an autocorrect flub. Not exactly what it should've been tho.. estrange? Uh.. damage? Idk