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The feast’s revelries were already in full swing. Music and colors fluttered within the castle town. The world wasn’t as noisy outside, but Nox still witnessed several patches of singing and dancing. Women in low-cut dresses had spilled into the camps along the walls. It housed soldiers from villages and towns overwhelmed by the myconid threat. Shelters on the baron’s estate had temporarily housed their families. Now that the battle was over, they were free to move around as they pleased. Nox guessed they would soon return to their homes to rebuild.

Despite his readiness to incinerate the countryside, Baron Edelweiss’ subjects called him a good leader. Apparently, he had materials and funds ready for all preparing to rebuild. Contingents of soldiers would follow them to clear out myconid remnants. Kris claimed the man had gone against his advisors and opened his treasury for the reconstruction efforts. Nox respected the sentiment. Taxes and profits from his orchards and farms would eventually compensate for the deficit. If citizens fled to nearby cities as refugees, it would produce problems for all.

The City of Ygg already had hundreds lining up outside of the gates, hoping to find shelter and opportunities within the walls. Terrastalia and creatures left behind by it had devastated their homes. The locals weren’t happy with the influx. Violent crime and theft had increased significantly beyond the Noble Ring. Things were more dire to the east as people flooded to the Imperium’s cities.

Nox didn’t foresee any issues on campus or around the inner market. However, supply line strains and food costs would affect everyone. Eventually, all citizens would feel the strain. Nox put such thoughts out of his mind, feeling guilty as he wondered whether it would affect Noxian Brews’ public launch.

It was unlikely Nox would find Kris on the Wedge, but he checked anyway. The otherwise friendly crew shot him cold stares as he boarded. Nox smiled and waved at them but only received polite nods. As expected, he found Kris’ cabin empty but heard movement in his.

It appeared as if a storm had passed through the room. Annabelle’s belongings lay scattered all over the place. At first, Nox thought someone had ransacked it for their artifacts or his research but then found his favorite noblewoman sitting amid the chaos with tears streaming down her face.

“What’s wrong?” Nox asked, rushing to her side. He knelt next to Annabelle and pulled her into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed only harder.

Instead of asking questions, Nox held Annabelle as his mind ran through the possibilities. Lord Oakheart had no reason to visit the barony personally unless he had dire news. Nox wondered whether Annabelle had lost another sibling—perhaps one she genuinely cared about. She tucked her face into his chest as she sobbed, and her tears dampened Nox’s shirt.

Almost a quarter of an hour passed before the tears ceased. Annabelle loosed her hold on Nox and pulled away. The crying had left her eyes bloodshot. Dark streaks marked her pale cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“It’s quite alright. Did everything go okay with your father?”

Annabelle nodded. Her lip quivered, and the words weren’t particularly coherent when she spoke.

“You’re not making a lot of sense, love,” Nox said. “Slow down.”

Annabelle took a deep breath in before exhaling slowly. She spoke in an almost inaudible whisper. “My father named me House Oakheart’s next heir.”

“That’s amazing!” He exclaimed, kissing Annabelle. Her reciprocation felt weak compared to the morning’s vigor. “We should celebrate! Let's skip the feast. I’ll arrange for a bottle of good wine and a nice dinner. We’ll make an evening of it.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be possible,” she replied.

“Why?” Nox raised an eyebrow. “Does your father want us to dine with the Edelweiss’ tonight?”

“The appointment comes with a couple of conditions.”

“Whatever they are, I’m sure we can deal with them. This is everything you’ve ever wanted, Annabelle! You’ll never have to answer to anyone or bow before the likes of Viktor and Roque ever again. Lord Oakheart is a reasonable man. Whatever the conditions are—”

“The first condition involves leaving the Department of Dungeon Studies,” Annabelle said. “Father wishes for me only to take modules offered by the war magic and research department. Specifically those including information gathering, governance, arcane history, and the history of alchemy.”

“That’s not too bad,” Nox said. “I’ll miss delving with you, but—”

“Our relationship needs to end as well.”

“Oh.” Nox let go of Annabelle, but she wrapped her arms around him. She kissed him again, looking into his eyes. Nox’s chest tightened, and breathing felt like a titanic labor. “Well, you’ve been offered an excellent opportunity, Annabelle. You can’t give that up. Ruling House Oakheart is something you’ve dreamed of, is it not?”

“It is.”

“You thought your father would never get past the custom of only males inheriting the ruling positions,” Nox continued without losing a breath. He found himself speaking abnormally fast. “Lord Oakheart is willing to change. It's understandable he wants you to meet him halfway. This isn’t something you can give up.”

“You’re really okay with us ending like this?” Annabelle frowned. She released him and retreated a couple of steps. “Is this really that easy for you?”

“Easy?” Nox chuckled. “This is anything but easy, Annabelle. You’re the first woman I’ve been with where the entanglement was more than sex. But let’s face the truth. Your magic is amazing, but it is not suited for high-tier dungeons. You don’t have a future as a delver, and my future involves delving. I won’t find peace and contentment until I destroy Sundarshahar, and there is no sense in you waiting until I achieve my goal.”

Annabelle flumped down on the bed, sighing. She looked up at Nox with tears once again gathering in her eyes. “Our relationship was doomed from the start, wasn’t it?”

“Perhaps, but I’m not one to think about the longterm. My concern for the past six months has been surviving the day and gathering funds for the next. I was content enjoying every day we had together without thinking too hard about what the future held for us. I’m sorry if that’s not what you wanted to hear.”

“It’s not, but it's sweet coming from you somehow.” Her thin lips broke into a sad smile. “The only future you know is taking on Sundarshahar, isn’t it?”

Nox nodded.

“Have you thought about what you’ll do afterward?”

“I—” Nox hesitated. He had never attempted to answer the question honestly before. “I usually tell people that I haven’t thought about it, but that’s not true. No one has successfully destroyed an Archon dungeon before. I always thought victory would cost me my life.”

“And you’re willing to give up your life for your stupid quest?” Annabelle frowned. “You know this is suicide, but you’re still going to go forward with it.”

“I am.”

“Alright. Perhaps our relationship ending isn’t the worst thing.” Annabelle exasperated and almost relieved. “We were doomed from the start.”

“But I enjoyed every second we were together.” Nox sat on the ground in front of Annabelle and took both of her hands in his. “You made me feel things and experience feelings I thought impossible for me. Thank you, Annabelle.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, her voice betraying a hint of disappointment.

“Would you like help getting everything together and packing?”

Nox guessed Annabelle had hoped he would fight for her. Perhaps she expected he would tell her to challenge the conditions. But Nox wasn’t willing to get in the way of Annabelle achieving her dreams. She always thought that inheriting her father’s seat would be impossible. Only men ruled House Oakheart and its neighbors. Losing Annabelle so abruptly while things were going so well between them would be tough, but Nox was confident he’d cope. He had a talent for coping.

Annabelle’s creased forehead smoothened. “That’d be nice.”

The pair mostly worked in silence. Occasionally, they’d find a trinket or object, resulting in them pausing to reminisce. Then Annabelle would burst into tears again, and Nox would hold her. She suggested they climb under the covers one last time so they’d end on a pleasant memory, but Nox rejected the idea. It felt like taking advantage of someone in a vulnerable mental state. Annabelle appeared disappointed and gave him the look she usually did when she wanted a roll in the hay. Nox resisted.

The process was painful, and Nox’s chest ached as they stuffed her belongings into a large chest. Neither he nor Annabelle was willing to fold or go about the task tidily. Everything didn’t fit at first. She had to stand on the lid so Nox could click the locks closed.

“I won’t be needing these anymore,” Annabelle said, placing her spear and aether shield on the cabin’s desk.

“The spear isn’t my weapon,” Nox said. “At least keep the shield. It might prove handy—”

“I want you to have it. If you don’t use it yourself, perhaps someone at the party will. It's normal for parties to own equipment instead of the individuals in them.”

“Would you like some help with the chest?” Nox asked.

Annabelle shook her head. “Wilson and the crew will help.”

“They already know everything?”

“Well, I had to tell the crew about what's happening with the Wedge,” Annabelle said. “Speaking of which, Father is willing to let you use the vessel for two more weeks. Then it will return to our estate.”

“I’ll let the party know,” Nox said. “Thank you.”

Nox and Annabelle hugged one last time. Then, against their better judgment, the pair kissed. Habit and instinct got the better of them, and hands explored flesh. Clothes were almost off before either found the willpower to stop. Laughter followed, and they pulled away from each other.

“Perhaps once the wounds have healed, we can be friends,” Annabelle said once the crew took the chest. Wilson hovered by the doorway, eyes focused on the horizon.

“We’re still business partners,” Nox said. “Unless you want to end that, too?”

“No. Father thinks you’re a good investment. You’ll continue to receive discounts on your shipments from our plantations.”

“And I’ll ensure you receive your dividends in time. Noxian Brews wouldn’t exist without you.”

Annabelle chuckled. She pecked him on the cheek. “Don’t call your shop that. Please. It sounds like you’re peddling poison. Noble women don’t want noxious face cream.”

“I’ll think about it,” Nox said.

Then, Nox and Annabelle parted ways as a couple.


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