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Beginner Dungeon Theory finally broached a topic that intrigued Nox.

“Liches and their dungeons are perhaps the most curious existence in our world,” the professor said. “They existed long before the first godfall, and many theorize the fallen gods modeled their domains around the lichs’ demesne. Before we begin, can anyone summarise what a lich is within a couple of sentences?”

“A lich is a mage who has turned to necromancy to live forever as an undead,” a high-pitched voice near the front of the class answered.

“That’s an undead lich. Not all liches are undead liches.” The professor looked to the back of the class when no one else contributed. “Anyone else?”

Much to Nox’s surprise, it was Lillin who answered. “A lich is a mage that successfully transfers their consciousness and memories into a phylactery. They focus their magic around a central concept while expanding their system into the physical world. This usually involves tying themselves to a demesne which is no different from a dungeon.”

“Not concise enough,” the professor said. “But Miss Grey’s answer would receive full marks if it were to appear on your final exam. I’d, of course, ask for an example with location and history. But yes. The phylactery reserves the mage’s memories and personality. Whether it's the same consciousness or not is a whole other debate. Many scholars and mostly philosophers debate whether they’re the same person or a new entity who thinks they were once human. Meanwhile, their mana merges with their demesne. The greater a lich’s territory and the more inhabitants it has, the greater its power.”

“And they only have the core concept,” the class know-it-all reiterated.

“Yes. The lich will lose all concepts and planets not connected to their central theme. For example, if your core spell set is dedicated to shaping and manipulating stone, your lich magic will only do that to an extraordinary level. Haste, Farsight, or planets dedicated to a summon will all be lost for eternity.”

“What about summoners who become liches?” Nox asked. “How would that work?”

“Theoretically, it doesn’t,” the professor answered. “As far as we know, it's never been tried. We’ll explore liches, lich dungeons, their history, and the forbidden processes used for the metamorphosis in Intermediate Dungeon Theory. Feel free to read ahead, but it's a complex topic with thousands of research papers and an advanced course dedicated to the many aspects of this topic. For now, let's focus on the curriculum. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can start revision lectures. You’ve got two weeks until your final exam, and it won’t be easy.”

Nox wasn’t worried about the final exam. He was confident about the course matter and knew he’d have little trouble passing it. Advancing his delving license further would require passing the course and its intermediate version. The curriculum for it intrigued Nox. Beyond studying liches and magical-beast-run dungeons, they’d also learn about the expert and archon-ranked dungeons around the continent.

Sundarshahar was bound to be in the course matter. After all, it had changed life on the continent over the past eighteen years, causing many blights, hundreds of thousands of deaths, and several mass migrations. The dungeon’s birth was the largest disaster the continent had seen in close to half a century. Lillin also wished to learn about the dungeon and her mother.

Intermediate Mana System Theory further explored binary star systems. Even though Nox knew the chances of him developing one was near impossible—it was an anomalous occurrence—but that didn’t stop them from dreaming. Witnessing Wilson’s magic firsthand filled him with hope. His odds of developing the same magic with a binary system were even lower. Whatever entity he bonded with and dedicated a planet to would contribute to the hypothetical star’s focus.

Ideally, Nox wanted some sort of physical enhancement or crystal growth. While researching mages who manipulated and shaped crystals, he encountered magic that made the little sequential patterns self-replicate and lock into each other. If Nox got his hands on a method of multiplying rare essences, he wouldn’t just make a killing with alchemy but also be a terror in battle.

Alternatively, physical enhancement spells would greatly benefit Nox. He didn’t want defense or strength. Instead, speed, agility, and especially enhanced reflexes would significantly help his archery and general survivability. Haste would help in the department, but it was no match to someone who dedicated their mana system to the cantrip or one of its many variants.

Elyza Tarth was one such mage. If she faced anyone besides Louis in the tournament’s semifinals, she would’ve come out the victor. Queen Mercer probably knew so too. Nox guessed it was the reason why she decided on the pairings instead of leaving it to the lots. Besides, the image of zipping around slowed enemies amused Nox. He imagined moving so fast in a slow field it felt as if time was stopped, and he couldn’t imagine anything more entertaining or pleasing.

Lord Oakheart summoned his daughter and the man courting her—since there was no ring or official ceremony, he didn’t recognize it as an engagement—for dinner. It was customary for a man in his position to dine with the future father-in-law occasionally. Since Annabelle appeared displeased with him, Nox agreed to attend the dinner. Her father would probably be pleased if he didn’t. However, Nox still owed Annabelle.

Their relationship was still in the early days. If Annabelle wanted to return their dynamic to just friends and party members, Nox believed it wouldn’t sting too hard. Even though he liked her and would like things to escalate, the party came first. Annabelle would eventually leave the party, and he’d need to find someone to replace her, but until then, she was an excellent presence. Lord Oakheart would also probably send Wilson or an extra guard for her. Despite the scrutinizing eye, it wasn’t the worst thing ever. He didn’t need to worry about Annabelle, and they got an extra party member who needed no cut or pay.

“I hear business is going well,” Lord Oakheart said as they sat down for dinner.

Fortunately, Annabelle was ready when he arrived. So there was no awkward silent time with her father. They rode the carriage to another restaurant, where the staff seated them at a large table in the center of the room. It wasn’t long before they had wine with names Nox couldn’t pronounce and eating food containing ingredients he didn’t think were inedible.

“We’ve got a great growing client base,” Nox said. “Everyone leaving the city bought out our half stock. The people staying behind during the semester break purchased the rest when they found out I won’t be around.”

“Have you thought about expansion?”

“I was hoping to use Oakheart contacts to find a broker,” Nox said. “I’ve got the necessary capital for expansion. It's not enough for a shop, but I reckon—I believe it should be enough for a deposit, first and last month’s rent on a new workshop.”

“For large-scale production?” Lord Oakheart asked,

Nox nodded. “We’ve got three products in high demand. I’d like one set up dedicated to the trio and rotate through them as needed. Then another brewing station for my signature recovery pills. And finally, one to a contraceptive we’re developing.”

“A contraceptive? You’re developing a contraceptive?”

“I think it’s a great idea,” Annabelle said.

“It’ll make life better for a whole of people,” Nox stated. “Nothing is going to stop people my age from having sex. If they’re unhappy with the consequences, they need to deal with a child, scar their insides, or shell out obnoxious amounts for a healer. My product can change their lives. This won’t just affect the nobility but also regular folk.”

“You’re doing this all wrong,” Lord Oakheart said, frowning. “Marketing this to just young folk is a huge mistake.” He leaned back in his chair and glanced between Nox and his daughter. “Start with their parents and people close to my age. The aristocracy gets frustrated and into the most trouble with their affairs and scandals. It's how feuds start, and people die. If you get them to have it and see the benefits, they’ll have no complaints regarding their children consuming the same. There’s no stopping the inevitable. We might as well make it safe. However, you’ll need to work in something that staves off disease.”

“Thank you for the insight, Lord Oakheart,” Nox said. “I didn’t think of that.” The older man’s input surprised Nox. He expected the older man to turn his nose up at the product. However, as a house deeply invested in alchemy, the Oakhearts were probably more progressive than most other noble families. “Perhaps we could put together a supply contract? Your farms grow most of the ingredients I use for my alchemical bases. Using a regular supplier will ensure my quality doesn’t waver too much, and it will also save me the trouble of dealing with competing alchemists buying out all the products in the market.”

“That can be arranged,” Lord Oakheart said. “Since you’ll be bulk buying, we can provide you a discount, too.”

“Perhaps a hefty one, Father,” Annabelle said. “The greater Nox’s profits, the more money comes back to House Oakheart.”

“No, love. The more money comes back to you. That was your decision. Until you’re the one in charge of House Oakheart’s finances, anything you make with private investments belongs to you. However, I’d be willing to sell to Noxian Brews at the same discount I offer to close friends and allies.”

“Thank you, Lord Oakheart,” Nox said.

“I still don’t approve of whatever this is,” Lord Oakheart said as he continued eating. “I respect your entrepreneurial spirit and how you’re making your way in life with no familial backing. However, I can’t have my oldest daughter end up with a disinherited and banished son. We work closely with the Trade Empire. I’d rather not befoul our relation with Queen Mercer. I understand there is also friction between you and the Gedges. They’re too powerful a family to have as enemies. Especially when we’re trying to make allies in the Imperium.”

“Father!” Annabelle exclaimed, dropping her fork. “Nox has done nothing—”

“I’m just offering my candor. Enjoy your freedom, my love. You’ll see the truth before long. However, I’m willing to separate business from personal matters. You’re a good economic investment, Nox, just not a social one.”