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Nil tracked the Nexus's ever-changing quests after he felt fit enough for regular training. Now that he was officially done with his first two, he could look through what was available whenever he was not in the mandatory one-week wait period between them. The Schema constantly updated with quests disappearing and new ones appearing. Nil guessed old ones faded as others picked them or the need faded. Layla had said there were far more summonings in the multiverse than available Summoned to help with them. It painted a bleak picture, and Nil understood why the Nexus and control world felt the need to offer bonuses and also why many criminals ended up with the otherworldly gifts.

Objective: Rout the vampire coven in Old Oaksfield.
Duration: 4 - 7 days
Danger Level: Iron 9
Summoned: 2/3
Rewards: 300 Schema Credit, 3 Schema Tokens

The Summoned counter intrigued Nil. Layla had warned him about their appearance on the list, signifying group quests. When Nil focused on the listing, it expanded, giving him more details. He guessed it was another benefit of getting past the first couple of quests and proving himself to the Schema.

The city of Old Oakfield may not be allowed to die. It almost fell to war, then famine and disease. Its history and people helped it survive. Old Oaksfield might not have great mines or be the center of trade. However, it sits on a deep well of power that might someday save the Beacon World and even help it transcend to the status of Control World. Unfortunately, a coven of vampires has taken root. 

People are scared and fleeing. The crown is considering burning down what remains of the city, including the residents, to ensure the vampires and thralls don’t spread across the kingdom. 

The Control Worlds fear such an act will corrupt the place of power. Death, destruction, and misery might pervert into a font of Cursed Energy. This may not be allowed.

The quest requires a ritualist with an understanding of arcane energies, a tracker with infiltration skills, and a warrior who is not all brawn. All but the final two roles have been filled.

Nil checked a couple of other quests. They didn’t come with as much information as the Old Oaksfield quest. None of them were group quests, either. He guessed the Nexus was more liberal with information when sending Summoned into a group situation or requesting them to work with random, unknown individuals.

It was a risk, but the quest intrigued him. Ni’s first quest had escalated to the Iron Realm as the Cursed One turned more people into its victims and gained strength. The second was of the same danger level, but Nil solved it without risking his life or facing any real threats. There was no guarantee the quest would go the same way as the previous two, but Nil took the risk. 

After sending his friends and family a message about the planned time away from Earth, he accepted the quest. NIL didn’t waste time at the fountain or try to visit Layla. Instead, he followed the Schema’s indicators to where it wanted him to go.

Nil found himself in a room full of weapons, armor, various tools, world-appropriate clothes, and much more. None of them interested Nil as much as the two other people in the room.

A middle-aged man stood against the wall lined with a variety of chalk, candles, pouches, and objects dotted with gems similar to the stone on Ester the Warder’s staff. He picked through the offerings and carefully placed them in a rectangular case divided into six compartments, only placing one article in each section.

A woman in her twenties stood in the corner. She had a similar case, which sat open on the ground behind her. An assortment of objects, including rope, a lockpicking kit, gloves, armor, a cloak, daggers, a crossbow, and much more, littered the ground around it. She appeared locked in a state of indecision. A third case sat at the center of the room and the Schema directed him toward it. 

Pick six items to take with you on your quest. Basic clothing and underwear don’t count.

Nil opened the case. It, too, had six compartments. 

“You must be our warrior,” the man said, speaking with a thick accent Nil struggled to place. He wasn't particularly good at guessing ethnicities but was almost sure that the man was of Native American or Polynesian descent. “I'm Misu. Have you been on one of these quests before?”

“Nil. I’m afraid I haven’t. Vampires and group quests are new to me, too.”

“I don’t know how your world’s media portrays them, but vampires aren’t overly complicated,” the woman said, looking up from a pair of daggers. “Destroy the heart, remove the head, set them on fire, or expose them to the sun. Silver works, but not always. I can’t tell whether it's the vampire’s age, the quality of silver, or there are separate breeds of them. Garlic. Blessed water. Religious symbols. I’ve seen people whip out a lot of nonsense. None of them work. It’s just another wasted eyeblink for the vampire to kill you.”

“You’re familiar with these things?” Nil raised an eyebrow. “Have you fought them before?”

“My home world had a breakout of their plague a few years ago. The Nexus chose me because of my skill in slaying these beasts. All of my quests are dedicated to the same task. I’m your tracker. Lise.”

“What equipment do you need?” Misu asked. “Any weapons or armor?”

Nil scanned the walls. As he focused on an object, the Schema briefly explained its capabilities. A long blue coat with a light hood beckoned to him. It had long sleeves, and it hung to his knees when Nil tried it on. The garment was snug around the shoulders but still comfortable. 

“Resistance to elemental magic is all I need.” His eyes drifted to the section stacked with medicine, rations, and other supplies. “Burn salve and maybe some regeneration pills, too.” 

“Burn salve?” Misu asked. 

“I need it for my ability,” Nil answered. “I have a powerful attack that might prove invaluable, but there are side effects.”

“No, weapons?” Lise raised an eyebrow.

“My ability limits me to using my body.” 

“The coat will need to go in the case,” Lise said. “After the healing pills and your precious burn salve, you’ll have three slots empty. Do you mind if I squeeze a few things in?” She nodded at the objects littering the ground around her case. “I’ve got too much shit.”

“I’d like a slot, too,” Misu said. He turned to Lise. “I know you hunters like your toys, but we need catalysts and reagents in case things go south.”


“I’ll give you a slot each,” Nil interrupted. “I want to take the ration pack too.”

“Why would you waste a slot on that?” Lise demanded. Her tone made her sound too brash for a group quest, but Nil didn’t want to say it. As long as the woman did her job well, it didn’t matter. He only needed to get along with her for a few days. Only the reward and rank in Brutal battery mattered. The rest was secondary. “We’re going to a city and are Summoned. They asked for us and will, therefore, provide for us.”

“You’re probably right, but I’d like to prepare for the eventuality you’re not. What kind of creatures are these vampires?” 

“They're like us but stronger and faster than an un-Summoned,” Misu said. The objects he had been handling and picking through appeared to intrigue the visage especially. “My first quest involved escaping a castle with a powerful arcane relic while three of the things chased me and a platoon of soldiers under my command. Some wielded magic. One was a powerful hypnotist. She seduced my men, drained their blood, and turned them into treacherous thralls. I almost didn't make it.”

“Vampires pursue perfection in body,” Lise explained. “They value beauty overall and slowly modify themselves into what they deem beautiful. Many take this as the creatures valuing sex, and the vampires know this. The only sex they desire is with each other. The older they are, the more we disgust them. Luring victims in with lies, seduction, hypnotism, and illusions is expected when dealing with them.”

“In that case, would it be too farfetched to assume that they haven't infiltrated the people we're there to help?” Nil asked. “What if the vampires have people embedded around the city's population who feed them information and do their bidding? What if they get these people to poison our food and drink or slice our throats while we sleep? In my world, vampires don’t exist—at least that we know of. But we have plenty of literature and media dedicated to them, and, sure, most of it is bullshit. However, there must be some truth and history behind the myth. They're tricksters, liars, and toys with their victims’ minds in our stories. So, I think it's best to pack our own food or only eat things we've prepared ourselves.”

“Fine,” Lise grumbled. “You're right. We should take the ration pack if it's a several-day-long quest.”

“They usually come with a flask that slowly refills itself by absorbing moisture in the air,” Misu added.

“Great. So you get one slot each.” Nil smiled, feeling glad his companions had come to an amicable settlement. “Pick well.”

“You're not what I expected of a warrior,” Misu said. He added a pouch to Nil’s case. When Nil focused on it, the Schema labeled it as a ‘protection ward supplies.’ “You only picked two things for yourselves. The warriors I've worked with before are usually the selfish kind. The quest says we need a warrior that's not all brawn. Perhaps there is a reason you got offered the quest.”

“Don't count your chickens yet,” Lise grumbled. She grabbed a loop of thin black rope that seemed too big for the case’s compartment, but when she brought it close, the container sucked the object in. “Just because he's got a good head on his shoulders doesn't mean he'll last. The nice ones are always the first to get killed by the fanned fuckers.”

“Don't worry,” Nil told the woman. “I don't go down easy. I might have no experience with vampires, but I've beaten down a couple of Cursed Ones already.”

“I'm not worried about your strength or durability. Your kind—warriors—usually have a weak mind, and for some reason, the nice ones are more susceptible to creatures that prey on them. A heart and sympathy are what a vampire will try to manipulate. I worry they'll get in your head and use you against us.”

“Well, we'll just have to hope that doesn't happen. You watch my back, and I'll watch yours. How about that?”

“Just keep the mage alive,” Lise said. “I can take care of myself.”


Ian Brennan

Excited to show how Lise’s character will progress.