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“Welcome, one and all!” Adrian ‘Wildshape’ Wilson beamed as he addressed the crowd. He was a tall, handsome man. Despite his fame, all the forums dedicated to him, and the vid channels discussing his powerset, no one knew the specifics, his attribute distribution, or his limitations. The man maintained his enigma status while continuing to grow as one of the most powerful humans on the planet—in and out of Apocalypse Arena. “I hope you found all of your accommodations fine and had a good night’s sleep. Today is your chance to prove your chops.

“Apocalypse Arena is no cakewalk, and the Iron Gauntlet, though the lowest level, is perhaps the most brutal and dangerous,” he continued, his serious impression adding to the gravitas of his voice and careful line delivery. “They might not be the strongest and brightest of the multiverse, but they’re the most desperate to climb or keep others from climbing. We have wards in these events to prevent death, and please refrain from using lethal attacks, but use today’s events as an opportunity to get a taste of how things are out there. It's not the worst thing if you don’t win or succeed at the upcoming qualifiers. Loss isn’t the worst result, and all experiences are valuable.” Adrian flashed his infamous smile again. “I don’t care what Ludus you’re affiliated with or who your mentor is. At the end of the day, we’re all on the same side. Saving and protecting this world is our priority and responsibility. Nobody can do it but us. Remember that. We Summoned are its security and future.”

The man spoke for a couple of minutes longer about the importance of Mortal Realm events and also shilled his ludus and Arthurtech for a few minutes before handing the microphone to one of the event organizers. They introduced the events and talked about timings and the matchups. The screen above the podium detailed everything, and the repetition appeared pointless. Nil guessed it was mostly pomp and ceremony. Everyone wanted the spotlight and the chance to promote themselves or something.

Fifteen Mortal Realm Summoned from Golden Aegis attended the event, and they were among the smaller groups. Wilson Luduses had organized the event and held it at their facility in Wembley. As a result, Nil and his colleagues didn’t have to go far. Wildshape Wilson had used his fame, power, and growing influence to purchase the famous local stadium from the FA, Britain’s governing football association—barely anyone followed ordinary sports following the advent of Summoned sports. It now served as one of their biggest luduses in London, a training facility, and a center for Mortal Realm events.

Since the Golden Aegis ludus stood within a twenty-minute walking distance, they didn’t avail of the discounted accommodation. Instead, they arrived at the premises early on the day of the event and occupied the two provided changing rooms. The eight individuals participating in solo duels or paired team fights took one, and all involved in Capture The Flag got the other. It didn’t surprise Nil that the knight had only enlisted in a solo fight. Ted did the same since his weapon of choice and power didn’t do too well in teams.

Unfortunately, Nil was only familiar with three people in the Capture The Flag team: Fatima, Lily, and Mobi. The rest consisted of mages and ranged rogues with a variety of weapons. Viktor, a lightning-slinging Slavic man with a wiry but toned frame, had declared himself the leader. Since he had partaken in more Mortal Realm tournaments than anyone in the group and also attempted an Iron Gauntlet qualifier, no one protested.

“Lilly and I will lead the capture team,” he said. “Mobi, Elisha, and—”

“I’m the fastest after Fatima and hit significantly harder than all our melee fighters,” Mobi said, frowning. “You should put Lily on defense or rear—”

“No. It's not about just speed and individual strength but power compatibility. Lightning Nova hits hardest and can hit the most number of targets, but I can’t control who it hits. Lily’s stone armor will protect her from it. So, we’ll get in first and disrupt their attacking force. Meanwhile, Fatima can grab their flag while you and Elisha protect her.” Viktor turned to Nil and the team’s seventh member, Anya. The young woman carried a compound bow and a quiver. Nil knew little about her besides her passive physical enhancement and active cloaking ability. “This is your first event. Defense is the best place for you.”

“I think that’s a mistake,” Nil said. “I know I have a defensive ability, but when I want to go fast, my speed is only second to Fatima’s. Wouldn’t it be better if you let me grab the flag instead? I can brush off any physical attack and then—”

“You can make the plays once you’ve completed a few Mortal Realm events or at least won one,” Viktor snapped, cutting him off. “Don’t get full of yourself just because you got scouted and have a sponsor. Experience is more valuable than whatever training or ability you have. Everyone voted me leader, so you follow.”

“I agree with you, Nil, but Viktor is right,” Fatima said, shrugging. “He knows the field, and he’s faced half the enemy team before. So, it's best if we go with his play.”

“If we lose the first round, I’d like a reorganization of leadership and the team,” Mobi said.

“Fine.” Viktor rolled his eyes. “Let's not go in with what we’ll do if we lose, though. I like our chances of winning. Since Lily and I will focus on engaging their assault force, it will keep us in midfield. So, we can retreat to defense or cover Fatima’s escape with the flag as needed. Don’t hold anything back and win the first round. Ideally, I would like not to get round three at all.”

The situation frustrated Nil. Staying on defense and waiting for the opponent put him in a reactive role. He wouldn’t get many opportunities to exercise his ability, voiding his entire purpose of joining Capture The Flag. However, after working in high-end kitchens for almost a decade, he knew better than to go against the chain of command. Each member of the winning team would win seven thousand pounds, and Nil didn’t want to lose out on the money. He still had most of his earnings from the Pits remaining and hadn’t touched his last two quests’ earnings besides the healing expenses, but he needed all the money he could get. 

Now that the first month had passed, Symbiotech would only pay the membership fees. Nil still owed Golden Aegis for accommodation and food. Student loans had turned extremely predatory after the cataclysm, and he owed a fair amount in debt and didn’t want Emmy and Sam to fall victim to them. Udit believed the same, and if Nil didn’t pay for their education, this father would never retire and probably work himself to death.

Much like with the Pits, the Mortal Event’s organizers portalled the competitors to a distant arena for the match. Apocalypse Arena had entire planets and dimensions to use as the competitors’ playground. The Nexus hadn’t shared the technology or access to them with Earth. So, the Mortal Realm events also used what remained of the shattered continents. When Nil and the team crossed the line, they found themselves in the ruins of an old city with a giant Incan pyramid at the heart of it.

A protective barrier hung over them, cutting them off from most of the area and keeping the local beasts outside. A red beacon of light stood in the distance, extending from somewhere beyond the pyramid and disappearing into the barrier. Another stood behind Nil and his companions. It shone a blinding blue, and he struggled to look at it directly and barely caught the outline of a flag in the center.

Viktor and Lily took off first. Lightning crackled around the first. A trail lingered in his wake as he sprinted forward. The teenage brute followed close behind him. Chunks of stone and concrete broke off the ground and surrounding buildings before gathering and compressing around her. She gained a foot in height and broadened significantly as her armor took form. She looked more like a moving mound of debris than a person.

Instead of following Viktor’s instructions to the letter, the flag capturers split up. Fatima and Elisha ran in one direction and Mobi in the other. They followed the barrier’s boundary, circling toward the other beacon. When Nil turned to Anya to discuss a defense plan, he saw no one.

“Of course.” He sighed. 

“Up here,” Anya called. 

Nil followed her voice to the top of a nearby building. The sniper peeked at him from its roof. “I’ll keep watch and slow down attackers. You do the rest.”

“How the hell did you get up there so quickly?” Nil asked.

“Didn’t the others tell you?” Anya grinned. “I’m half-monkey.”


“No.” She giggled. “You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine. We—” She frowned, looking away from him. The woman nocked her bow and pointed it to the left. “Two incoming. Get ready.”

“I guess they had the same idea as us,” Nil commented. His heart raced, and his temples tightened. He hadn’t faced multiple enemies before the prospect excited and worried him.

You don’t need to win. Rank Brutal Battery that is good enough.

“Stop thinking like a defeatist,” Nil mumbled to himself, adopting a defensive stance. It was tempting to activate Absorb straight away, but he didn’t. Instead, he reminded himself not to fall into his reactive habits. 

Rubble littered the ground, and Nil had spent the past month training his throwing arm. So, he grabbed a chunk of stone. As soon as he spotted the sign of movement, he threw with Expend’s help. It flew like a cannonball and exploded against a wall. The shadow peeking out from behind it retreated. The recent increase in his Spark attribute significantly grew Brutal Battery’s stores. So, Nil didn’t bother rationing his energy. He armed himself again and commenced bombardment.


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