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  • Cane_BW_Patreon.mp4
  • Cane_COlor_Patreon.mp4



For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/cane-mckeyton

Paige is pretty new to this whole vore thing, and she is a bit unsure about Cane's confidence... Through muffled speech she question's whether or not she's really up to the task.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? It wont smell nice and It'll probably hurt if you stay in there too long and I dunno if this is such a good id---Oh!"

With a gentle lick the mischievous little fennec cuts her off. "Relax and enjoy yourself! You know I will >;3 And trust me, I got a plan!"

Poor Paige, never trust cocky prey! They tend to cause a lot of indigestion on purpose! Next time insist on using a safety string instead! Much less nausea involved lol.

Link to uncompressed TL on discord.
