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For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/wikrex

His PDA chirps out a warning as the sky turns red and a deep otherworldly thunder rumbles far off in the distance - "All Stalkers out in the zone take shelter, an emission blowout is imminent"  

Taking position high up in decaying apartment complex overlooking the skeletal remains of the Pripyat fairgrounds, Wikrex readies his rifle. The Monolith is calling for it's children again. The sky opens up, shattered by tendrils of lights and energy, illuminating the fairgrounds. The air itself seems to burn and crackle while out in the distance brain-scorched animals and fallen stalkers shamble their way towards the beckoning glow.

These abominations are not worthy to grace the sight of the Monolith, and as the emission roars  it's way through the sky, so does the hideous deafening crack of his Dragunov. 



Garrett Bradley

You really hit the nail on the head with this. It is a perfect snapshot of what any stalker undertakes when they're traversing through the zone. Especially during an emission being in the city. Fantastic job.