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The very first group of 1 hour sketches! 

https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dest. (Komodo Barbarian POV Mawshot)

https://www.furaffinity.net/user/glaciusdraconian (Dragon Mawshot)

https://www.furaffinity.net/user/squeegoth (prey), and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/unichromacorn/ (pred)  (Swallowed by a hungry Bun POV)

https://www.furaffinity.net/user/praexon (Summertime Autumn)

https://www.furaffinity.net/user/heckineatcha/ and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/cakeinferno (Abbie slurping on a Riku-pop)

More availability will come in June and onward! Patrons will get a 24 hour priority notice on June 1st. I'll announce the tier publicly on June 2nd!




These all are incredible for only an hours work! If they are the standard we'll be seeing then there is going to be a flood of awesome, Cid content every month.