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  • LeeRec.mp4



Little Lee should've been more cautious when approaching Baltimore the hyena. Her calm cool demeanor seamed friendly enough, but her intentions were much more predatory and cruel as the little rat soon found out.

He honestly doesn't know what's worse, the emotional betrayal of being devoured by someone he trusted, or the wretched vomitous stench of the hot digestive juices he's currently sitting in. Actually it's not even a contest, the puke is worse, far worse than anything he could've possibly imagined.

And he has definitely imagined it. To be a rat is to constantly be fearful of things bigger than you that could eat you, he just never thought that death would come with a smile. Worse yet with cruelty and betrayal, as Baltimore teasing pats her stomach sending ripples of warm slimy muck splashing over lee's face. The taste of her bile invading his mouth and nose. To her, tricking a gullible rodent to becoming her dinner was just another day. She'd be hungry again in only a few hours. Maybe she'll keep his goggles as a souvenir? Or just throw them away as she's done with dozen's of her prey's tiny trinkets.

A part of him even admits that this whole thing wouldn't even be so terrible if she had just given him a choice. He might have even offered himself if things were more romantic and if she would've guaranteed his safety. But that was a only a fleeting fantasy for now the only guarantee is being slowly digested into the same slimy Yeena puke he's soaking in, as the acids begin to sting and the heavy realization of being prey finally takes it's toll.

For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/verysmollee and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/washingtonfox/

