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  • rec2.mp4



Welcome aboard a Protogen Assault Carrier! Your job as a micro engineer is to facilitate routine maintenance, accommodate the senior staff and get into all those "hard to reach" areas to make sure ship and staff are in top shape!

You're unsure why all the protogens don't bother remembering your name... every time they see you they just call you "New RAM" and smirk. After a rather grueling mission on a virus infected planet you approach Baron and Zenith, two veterans of the purge, to ask them about your new nickname, but without saying a word you find yourself in Zenith's claws dangling over his slimy maw. The smell is intense, a mix of hot raw organic breath and the unmistakable scent of plastic and electronics.

As you slide down his gullet and splash into the protogen's stomach the heat and smell grow more intense as the mix of organic and inorganic slime and lubricants completely coat you. Luckily his innards give off a faint glow allowing you to see your new fleshy home. Through muffled flesh and loud wet gurgles and churns you hear Zenith's commands, "Start massaging and if you do a good job I might not digest you!"

For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/black-winter/




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