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Hi guys. I was thinking how far can Yeina go with this. More rope please because her breast are so huge.  That packed meat now is hard and out of shape. Of course my vision is to make it sexy. Thanks a lot for your support.




Loonia Infinity (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-10 19:43:30 Of the 3, this is my favorite! <3
2019-12-21 14:13:50 Of the 3, this is my favorite! <3

Of the 3, this is my favorite! <3


I think that is more rope than i have ever seen on one of your characters :O


I'm more surprised with her expression. I understand she is use to these experiences/tortures but to keep that face straight all the way? That's a new level of endurance.


That's a lot of rope :-) Therefore of I may, I would have let a bit of flesh 'bump' on the chest side, because here it give the visual that rope and boobs are just posed on her and not part of her.

john brown

I have to agree with Neuro. I appreciate the extra rope, but where it meets the chest looks fake. Rope diameter is too small. Sorry.