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Hi guys. I did a mistake and I post another page. But now Im solving the mistake and Im posting the missing page, sorry. For those who have seen the next page shhhh!!! dont spoil the content. The good news is that the order in this case dont afect the story because the last umbra page is another sequence.

Thanks a lot.





Ah, for a moment I thought something went wrong with Patreon. This one looks different, are you doing a new experiment on the shading/lighting or a collab? The outline is much more thick and the coloring is more saturated. Still looks good, just interesting style.


haha! Gula you should accidentally post two pages more often! I wont spoil but they both look great! I'm very interested to see what happens next!


Ha, I was right about the sequence Gula, you were distracted by Yeina's swinging boobs I bet!


Thanks. Patreon work ok. And yeah, There is people collaboraiting with me. So much work here :D Thanks.


hehehe yeah a big WOOPS!!! Sorry. But now Im going in the right way. Maybe the swinging boobs are a distracting factor.


Damn I feel like I missed out haha.

john brown

Yea, the mistake page looks like things are starting to get interesting.