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Hi guys. Ive got some crazy ideas about some nightmare creatures. This one is still in progress but I want to show some WIP. Two headed bull with a powerful suction power.Of course Yeina is the test subject for this concept. Thanks a lot.

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Perhaps a version of being that appears during sleep paralysis? And your strange planet spiders with venom were awesome. Wax museums can be nightmarish. Pushy horses are scary. Alien invaders. And ghost.



G Patreon Fan

Give it a horse like punishment to finish her off! Awesome!


You know i love this kind of stuff gula xD looks great! Hopefully we see it in a story soon? :D


A wonderful creature. Those long, straight necks are perfect for really extreme stretching, and all sorts of horrible linings could be along the inside of them. I love it!


I can't wait to see this in action. Will he be featured in a comic?

Old Shagnasty

Suckable? You bet your life they are. Love peril monsters. Lacto ants, lick worms, cock roaches. So many possibilities.


Yeina is the best test subject we can have.... may be it's because she like that. ^^ Great monster now I wonder all he can do. ^^


Yeah. I also love creature design. I will be posting some weird creatures on this days.


Not in a comic but I will do a lot of creature design monsters. Of course related to boob in troubles.


Thanks a lot. I can see you realize about those details. It is nice that you got the idea


Thanks a lot. Well I dont 100% sure if she would like that. But In shure she can stand it. At the end she is the more trained one in pain matters. Thanks a lot :D hehehe


Im doing some background story about this creature and others. You will see!


A weird one , nice idea, love your imagination always surprizing :-D