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Hi guys, I felt like doing a Yeina/Sultan image. Im exploring extreme poses. I hope you like the idea. Thanks a lot.




I’m glade your doing more of the sultan and Yeina. Been wanting to see more of these!

G Patreon Fan

Rules her with his rod of iron! If you color this will you make a background of the other wives standing around angry. Perhaps an Orc Army invades and their leaders march in to discuss surrender but see Yeina and express fear and pity.... Orc Chief "uh, Great Poobah? Normally I'd just stab you and run, but I'd deal with Yeina. But you are trapped by the big breasted she-monster with the hole that takes everything and doomed already... So, let us run off with your wives so we say got a victory?" His wives jump into the Orc's hands and go - "He made a secret signal he said Yes... So take us, conquerors!"

Jay Lee

Glad to see more artwork on "love slave" Yeina coming forth! :D Will she still have nipple piercings? :3

Ford Prefex

Great pose! I like sultan series, it's interesting to explore this side of Yeina