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Hi guys, second page done. Dawn is working hard on her skills.

Enjoy :D

More pages in coming 





I love it! :)



Ford Prefex

Poor Dawn! She should fight back against those bullies!


owie! that looks painful D:


I really like the idea of Dawn as a character. How she is an innocent highschool student who finds it difficult to find cloths that are able to contain her enormous tits. I feel like there is so much story that could be told under this premise that is being completely missed. Boys in highschool are only just starting to go through puberty so they are horny as hell. Then here is this girl who is every boys wet dream sitting next to you in Maths class in clothes that are barely able cover her. Imagine trying to do a maths test with her sitting next to you. The teacher would probably think you are cheating by how often you would be looking over at her.


Or what about having to ride the bus home with her and the bus is cramped and you are short so you go through the whole ride home with Dawn's tits in your face. With Dawn's setting being in a highschool and being in the modern age, it opens you up to telling far more stories that you can't tell with your other characters since the settings for your other characters seems to mostly be revolved around adventuring in a fantasy medieval period. But instead you seem to be squandering that by just treating Dawn like a punching bag.


Dawn's misfortunes are my favorite of your works. Sooooooo erotic. She can just never win, and that's the way we like it! This page: best surprise appearance of a cattle prod!