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Hi guys. This is the last rough sketch request from this period. This is a nice story from qexiqex from Deviant.  I wanted to show what is the point of view of the users.  I wont spoil the story, I recommend to read it.

Here is the Chapter 01.


I will open a new sketch request season for the 4 level pledge Patreons. :D

Thanks a lot for your support and comments.

See you soon.




Ford Prefex

Fantastic picture! Thanks so much for this! You picked a very nice scene! Love the expression on his face as he removes the bags :)


Hey, I'm lookin forward to you working with qex again but when do you plan on finishing amber cocoon if you don't mind me asking? Especially since it's getting to the good part!


love the story nice to see it drawn. Maybe you & qexiqex could consider teaming up again on it like you did for The Amber Cocoon or me & you could collaborate on a version of my stories.