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Hello guys, here is the finished piece. I wanted Yeina boobs to be very shiny and hard. I hope I could get the effect. Please let me know you thoughts.

Also would like your opinion. Is it good to show the sketch and then the finished piece. Don't you think it is a spoiler of what is coming next?  Or do you prefer to see the finished piece and then the sketch process.

Sometimes I add extra stuff to the final piece so we can see something new. Or alternate variants. Let me know your opinion about this issue. 






i can hear that Orc yelling haha. totally relatable!

G Patreon Fan

The more the merrier! Love to see sketches, finished pieces and variants. Only way I'd argue to hold back is if there's a story. If it was a comics story I'd hold back on the sketches - until after the final is up save a few teasers!

Old Shagnasty

I love to see the sketches first. As you say. You sometimes add things to the final piece. Even one's suggested by your patreons if you like them. Love the shiny orbs.

Ford Prefex

Agree with what others have said, I love seeing the sketches and how you develop the full picture from there!


Thanks for the feedback, I will continue to draw sketches and share the final piece later. :)


Thanks. I will share sketches as I do. That's right I also like to do some edits to the final piece.


Love the anticipation that the sketches create but I agree with G Patreon Fan that when they're going to be part of a fully fledged story I don't want too many spoilers :)