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Hi Guys, I hope you have an amazing 2022!!!

Thanks a lot for your support during this hard times, with your help all this art can be possible. More sexy stuff in coming on 2022.

Another picture inspired in Hitomi :)

Be tuned!!




Thanks for the service! is your new years goin well so far? mine is kinda rough, im in quarantine haha.

G Patreon Fan

Happy New Year! Neat way to ring it in! Year of the tiger (and water) so "Go big or go home!" - good start on your end!

Ford Prefex

Happy New Year! And thanks for creating such great art for us! Looking forward to what you come up with in 2022!


Astrid is so sexy!


Im sorry to hear that. I hope you recover. My beginning of year is good :)


thank you =) i hope so too! and thats great! did something special happen? or just good vibes?


Happy New Year 🎆 Everyone and Thanks for all the brilliant you have done.