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Hi guys, I finaly finished this page. Im still exploring Yeina life with out huge boobs. This is an example of the good things she is stepping in. Getting the treasures is more easy now. On the last page she was discriminated because she is small now.  Good things and not so good things on her life. Yeina is addapting to her new look.  I hope you like it. Thanks for your support. I hope you like it. 




awwww maaaaan we all really missed out the first time huh!?!!!


Wait, am I missing something? Did Gula give Yeina a breast reduction?


hopefully temporary! and where have you been if you didn't know about this story?


I've only recently joined Gula's Patreon since I didn't even know it existed. I'd been following him on DeviantART. I joined when I heard a rumor he was posting The Unknown 2 here and joined for that. Will it be temporary, though? And if it's just for a temporary story, why is Yeina showing up with her reduced breast size in other works unrelated to this comic?

G Patreon Fan

Very cute! But please use this time when she's A-cup. She's got feet, thick thighs, awesome rear and of course her V. Sensitive to pleasure and pain and she's too used to dealing with people/things that want her breasts. Or that tentacle creature needs to pop some eggs in and have fun stimulating the entrance.

G Patreon Fan

She "Lent out" her breasts to "Save the World" - sounds real kooky but go back a bit to find it.


I mean, I've been following Gula on DA for a long time. Hardly sounds kooky for him. XD


He doesn't post all his work to DA. Most of it is Patreon exclusive. "The Collector" series is Patreon only I think. Click on the "the collector" tag on the post to see the other pages in this story line.


Yeina is getting a lot more of atention on her Eros series. In those works Im drawing the tentacle scene. I will have it soon :)


hahah yeah. with this page I want to say that there are many other boob peril Yeina has sufered on the past

Ford Prefex

Hehe, poor Guardian! I have to say I miss Yeina's huge boobs as well ;)


I can just imagine their 1st meeting, I hope he caught Yeina off guard 😈


see not everything is bad for yeina lol, Unless they start going after that thick ass she has lol

Loonia Infinity

**Giggles!** That's my reaction. <3