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Hi guys, here is the next page. I hope you boob jobs :)

Thanks a lot.




fuck yeah! this is the best! it reminds me of the demon inside Toturador's mouth in eden 3! love the grabbing!


Can you inflate them next please? :)

Old Shagnasty

Krify knows how it feels to have her tits seeded as well. ;)


I hope she doesn't lose her boobs for good. :(



Ford Prefex

Nice tit fuck ;) Love those boobs on the wall


Why would you want them to grow but also want them to shrink to flat? That's contradictory...


I never said I want to shrink them to flat :) I wish they would become big balloons. That is way more hot I think


Well, otherwise its always the same story. I hope there is some plot twist to this.


Again, this is still contradictory. You said you want her to lose her boobs for good. Yet you want them to "become big balloons." You want both, but they're not compatible, so... which do you want?


This is hardly "always the same story." I mean, are you not seeing the summoning of this guy, the boobs possessed by evil, and the portal bra? How exactly is this "always the same story?" What stories have you read that have all this weird stuff, and where? And if you didn't come here for huge breast torture and instead want girls to lose their tits and become permanently flat-chested... why are you following Gulavisual?


I mean like they could befome inflated and maybe kept somewhere. I amgine this idea is compatible.

Old Shagnasty

Just had a thought. Requiem could start up a new business with that bra. RENT-A-BOOB.


Why would she inflate them and then not take the portal bra off? What reason would she have to keep that one article of clothing on for the rest of her life?