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Hi guys.  For those Pledge level 3 and 4 Patreons I would like to ask about your ideas. In this Patreon space I would like you to be part of the stories and concepts. What are your thoughts? 

What would you like to see in the future?

This is the first time we are doing this. I would like to collect some ideas and put them in the radar. As you can see Im posting some black and white Yeina images. This images are part of "Yeina Black Series";  More concepts in gray scale pics. May be we can think on some crazy ideas for this series. What do you think?  

Also I would like to know how Im doing this?  

Do you like this Patreon site?

Thanks a lot for your support guys.

See you




Jay Lee

Overall, I'm very pleased with your frequent yet high-quality updates so far. I wish you can keep up the good work in the future. As for the ideas for upcoming work, I only have few thoughts. 1) Astrid performing her "mating" ritual, hopefully lactating and with either nipple piercing/rings. 2) Yeina and her clone loving each other, be it teasing/sucking each others' breasts or performing tribadism.


That's very creative Jay. I would definitely love to see that as well! I love what you have been doing recently Ramon (I hope it's okay to call you Ramon. Let me know if there another name/alias you would liked to be called). I have always loved Yeina and friends dealing with Breast Expansion, Suction, and Torture. I know there is Breast Lactation, but I would definitely like to see some more of it. I think that Breast Suction/Expansion goes hand in hand with Breast Lactation. Also, for smaller art projects (like gray scale or sketches), I think there can be some fun in the camera angle/perspective. Like underboob angles and hanging (upside down) boob angles. I wish that one day, I can be an artist as good as you. I have many ideas for a comic that I would like to make, but I don't know when I'll have the time to put my ideas onto drawings.

Ford Prefex

Thanks for reaching out! I think you're doing great with the Patreon site and hope you can sustain this level of workload. The regular updates are fantastic and whenever a Patreon notification shows up in my inbox I have this smile on my face and can't wait to check it out! Personally, I would love to see more 'funnies', 'accidents' or pranks where Yeina is on the receiving end. Short sequences or sketches with a few panels are nice, too. For example I love the 'I'll take them all' sketch (<a href="http://fav.me/d4hzpa6)," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/d4hzpa6),</a> 'valentines day' ( <a href="http://fav.me/d4po13z" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/d4po13z</a> ), 'fail cake' (<a href="http://fav.me/d6t30d8)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/d6t30d8)</a> and the like. 'Equal mass' (<a href="http://fav.me/d640adh)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/d640adh)</a> is pretty funny, too. Also, a self-bondage sequence of Yeina or another character would be nice. Having her try to bind her own breasts as tight as possible, try to stuff those glorious orbs into some small container to get them in a strange shape... maybe she finds an odd device that she wants to try out? So having Yeina (or Dawn or any other of your characters) get herself willingly into an awkward, exposed 'breast situation' would be great. Also Yeina using her breasts as tools or weapons would be funny, like preparing food, slapping an evil guy with them with her hands are bound, spraying the guy with milk, ... stuff like that. I greatly enjoy 'stuck breasts' pictures or generally breasts being trapped somehow, sticking out of some wall with the 'owner' hidden behind (like Yeina in Eden #1 in the air duct) So everything going in that direction gets an instant 'like' from me ;) I would also love to see more scribbles and notes you make so I can learn more about your creative process. Anyway, everything you posted so far was great, so no worries ;)


I love your work, especially all of the fantasy aspects. You do a great job of coming up with new and exciting stuff. And I like the mix of breast punishment sprinkled in with some sex. One thing I'd like to see more of is different fantasy female characters. I think the Juli Kami transformation is great, and the Julie expansion, and the demon Tiana series is great too. I like seeing different types of female characters that aren't 100% human. Also breast expansion, punishment, and lactating are a perfect combo


What to say first? Your work is awesome but I think I already say that a lot of times. X) For the idea, even if Yeina is my favorite characters, I think it's important to see other girls too. That could be very intresting to see Yeina friends...... or enemis. For the content, the sucking breast, bondage, breast torture with your style are always amazing. :) Even the breast trap situation. :) I can suggest an other things..... why not breast torture more..... a little more gore may be, not evry times of course but... that can offer something new. For Paetron, that was a good idea. ^^ it's easy to use and we know fast when a new things is post. ^^ Again Gula, congrat for all your work. :)


I can't realy say more than what Lino said. I agree with him and the other too. Just remember that in the end we are giving you our opinions not orders on what we would like to see next. You were the one that made this art that we like to see so keep going with what you are good and comfortable with and most importantly don't burn yourself out.

Hank the Bobcat

I love how you draw the female form. For some reason what I love the absolute most of what you draw is how you draw breasts being stretched out by the nipples, especially when their breasts are stuck in some sort of trap or device that they are trying to pull themselves out of. And I am extremely excited to see the finished tug of war picture! To add to that, I wonder if you could apply a similar concept to their pussy lips, maybe two girls being attached in a tribbing position and having to pull themselves apart. Wait, I just got one! Our heroine can be attached to a seat by her pussy lips through piercings or clamps, or maybe a magic spell. Super glue? LOL! Anyway, a key or something that will get her free is dangled overhead just out of reach which she can only reach by pulling mercilessly against her bindings. Or if you wanted to be really mean, slowly fill the chamber with water until she has to try to stand up just to breathe. Just some brainstorming.


do your own thing gula ;-) BUT if i need to comment: How about more boob torture involving lactation, breast/aeroleas swelling, or maybe even a cowgirl farm theme? Or other tortures besides (like belly stuffing -&gt; Your boobs must grow so you have to eat up!, ). Also, how about pregnancy?


I love all of the work that you do. Especially with Yeina. Some of my favorites are your "Yeina in Tubeshape-device" <a href="http://gulavisual.deviantart.com/art/Yeina-in-Tubeshape-device-531678266" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gulavisual.deviantart.com/art/Yeina-in-Tubeshape-device-531678266</a> , "Red Shaman casting ice spell" <a href="http://gulavisual.deviantart.com/art/Red-Shaman-casting-ice-spell-415232350" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gulavisual.deviantart.com/art/Red-Shaman-casting-ice-spell-415232350</a> , and "Mecha + Boobs" <a href="http://gulavisual.deviantart.com/art/Mecha-boobs-393097068" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gulavisual.deviantart.com/art/Mecha-boobs-393097068</a> . If you're asking for suggestions, I have a few ideas that you can play around with and see how you like. 1. Yeina needs to find a way to hide her giant breasts and gets tricked into wearing a Portal Bra <a href="http://i.imgur.com/DB38O.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/DB38O.png</a> . It makes her look completely flat like she wanted, but it puts her breasts into a new place where demons, The Evil Wizard, or other cruel creatures can do whatever they want to them. The bra magically seals onto Yeina, and there's no way for her to get it off. She can only jump, twist, and scream as her breasts are tortured, trapped out of her reach. She eventually goes to the place where her breasts are and tries to fight the tormentors, but she has a lot of trouble because they can keep using torture tools on her "hostage" breasts while she fights. In the end she makes a deal where she must walk up to her own breasts and perform lots of tortures on them herself for the tormentors to watch and enjoy. 2. The boy that Dawn meets at the end of "Dawn's Bad Day" wants to specifically ask her breasts out on a date, and get her breasts to be his girlfriends. He brings them flowers, candy, lovely shirts and bras, and plays music to them. Eventually Dawn agrees to let him date her breasts, and cooperates in making them be his girlfriends, now finding his attention to be very romantic. It could also end with 1 or 2 scenes of more surprise breast bondage from him. 3. The Evil Wizard meets a girl with really large breasts, and looks at them the entire time he talks to her. She gets mad that he won't look into her eyes and punches him really hard, then storms off angrily. Later, he gets revenge by sealing a magic hood/mask over her head that covers all the details of her face completely. But she can still breathe of course. Then he paints magic eyes onto the ends of her long, huge breasts, which become the new place for her to be able to see from. To remove the spells, she must agree to come to his home and be a maid. He makes her do lots of searching and cleaning chores that require her to lift, pull, stretch, and swing her breasts around in order to see what she's doing. 4. You could do more scenes of Jessica Rabbit going through really cartoonish breast torments: - Jessica is looking through a window with her boobs lying on the windowsill. The window falls shut on them, trapping them. Jessica pulls backward as hard as she can, stretching her cartoon boobs ridiculously long. Then they slip free from the window and whip her in the face, returning to their original size. - Jessica visits a gym where the boxers have lost/broken their speed bag <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7n7OhQaDyI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7n7OhQaDyI</a> . They see Jessica's giant breasts, tie her on top of the bag platform, and cut tight holes to pull her breasts down through so that they can be used as a replacement. - Roger Rabbit wants his wife Jessica's breasts to be even bigger. So he orders a "Bigger Breasts Kit" from ACME. When the box arrives, inside are 2 round torpedo missiles. He finds Jessica, and cartoonishly shoves each of them down her throat. The torpedoes position themselves inside her body so that they're inside her breasts, and stretch her boobs into a much bigger, longer, and straight-forward shape, giving her "Torpedo Tits". - Roger wants to have sex with Jessica from behind, in her ass. But he's sad that it means he can't enjoy her breasts at the same time. Then he gets an idea. He grabs each of her breasts while behind her, and cartoonishly stretches them around her sides and into the middle of her back. Then he ties them tightly together. Now Jessica is completely flat in front, and has giant boobs on her back that Roger can torment while he keeps penetrating her ass.

Ford Prefex

Those are some great ideas! Really like the 'portal bra' concept :)


Thanks a lot for you comment.l I will try to do more lactation. It sounds good!


Thanks a lot for your comments. I will have finished the Tug War pic soon. I like the stretching form. Not too cartoon and not too real. I think my confort zone is in the middle of this two. Thanks a lot. GV


Thanks a lot Jaime. I love that people let me do my stuff. I just wonder how Im doing this because I want to improve and live from my art in the future. I will keep doing my art for the community. :D


Thanks Lino. I appreciate your comments. I have some new stuff that might like you. Not too gory but a little more strung that I usually draw. GV


Ok. Thanks a lot Frank I will keep that in mind. I also love fantasy stuff mixed with erotic theme. And the idea bout more characters is grate. I will expand the female crew.


Thanks a lot Ford. I always appreciate your comments and thoughts. I will keep doing my art and push myself in order to improve concept and technique. I will take your comments and put them on the radar.