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Hi Guys. Im working on this pic. This is 50% spoil. But I hope you dont mind. I will add more surprises later.  May be Yeina after this experience will have fear to Snails. This is a new experience for her. More about this work soon.

Thanks for your support guys.




Mystic X

Snails... why did it have to be snails? (irrelevant, but i love movie quotes :D ), though if i got my terminology right, snails without shells are called slugs... :3 Linguistic nitpicking aside, lovely work! Yeina's expression really has that creeped-out look! :D


Oh man! I can't wait until it's finished! I would definitely love to see more of this! ;) (No rush though, please take as much time as you need to complete it.) As always, I very much enjoy all of your work and always look forward to Yeina's next adventure! :)


Ok. Thanks for the advice. It will be Slugs. And thanks for the comment.


Thanks. Drawing Yeina in this situations is always fun. I have so many ideas in my mind and no time to draw them all.

Mystic X

You're welcome! I do some pictures myself (3D renders, i'm hesitant to call it "Artwork" :P ), and from that i know how nice it is to get comments. :D