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Exploring some costumes. I was trying to see how does Astrid looks with some leather  pants with chains. Its weird to look at her in that outfit. She looks like a friendly slut hehehe. But its part of this experiment. Remember she must have her breast exposed. Do you like it?  





I have no complaints here!


The outfit goes good with her hair, she looks like a biker girl. And I really like how she has to keep her breasts exposed


Thanks. Have her breast exposed is a promise she is keeping. A promise to Gaia her Goddess

Ford Prefex

She's a cute one. Very different from her usual looks but very fitting none the less. And that choker looks really nice, too! Like to see you explore more different costumes with your characters!

Jay Lee

If it really existed, Astrid's cult would have no problem gathering the most followers in the world. O.O And may I ask a bit naughty question if you don't mind? Is Astrid......a virgin?


Yeah. I would love to see a Religion like that. Astrid is a representan of Gaia. The Mother of all things. Astrid is very fertile and she is virgin of course! If she decided to have babies she must do a ritual to do that. But for the moment she want to know other planes and meet people an friends. She respect other cults and if someone want to know more about her cult she will be eager to ask questions.


Thanks. I always look different costumes. Like normal people; my characters change clothes. And want to explore new costumes. Also they are traveling and sometimes they must fit in the environment/society