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Hi guys, I wanted to do a cute scene, having a nap on Astrid can be very very relaxing experience. I bet Bod is having a nice nap time.

More paizuri in developing :) 



G Patreon Fan

If he doesn't suffocate! But then again, what a way to go!

Ford Prefex

Nice and very cute! Agree with G Patreon Fan, Bod needs to be careful not to suffocate! ;)


when he wakes up he gets to motor boat them titties

Old Shagnasty

I bet he's as content as The Lion of Natuba. (War of The End of The World - Mario Vargas Llosa).

Loonia Infinity

**Giggles!** Cannot blame him! <3


I bet Bod would've also loved them below, as pillows. But shade is nice too.


Yeah, that would be a problem. I hope Bod can bread with all the meat above him :)


Thanks. I had that idea too. Im just figuring the pose, I have a coupple of candidates for boob pillow :)


I'd like that nap setup too 😋