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Higuys, here is another paizuri picture series, now Kal knows Astrid and Bod are doing "interesting stuff" 

I hope you like it :)

Thanks a lot




Ford Prefex

Nice, Astrid is having fun!


Join them kal, so that everyone can have fun

Loonia Infinity

**Giggles!** Quite the therapy. <3

G Patreon Fan

I second the call to Join them! Better, Bod could go "I rented this part of the spa so this room is ours for the day... Okay, girls here's a tradition from my world - the Men's Magazine pictorial. You see this thing? It's a camera, captures images but it's not magic, just Alchemy though we call it chemistry. Now get wet, put oil on each other, massage each other... I'll capture the images and it'll make a lot of people happy." Kal - "Uh, WHY should we DO this...?" Bod - "Well you've been asking for stuff from my world but it takes more of our regional currency and I don't really earn that much there..." Kal - "I thought the Gold we have is worth a LOT there..." Bod - "Well if I trade too much some authorities will start asking questions I don't want to answer..." Astrid grabs Kal's shoulders and smiles, looks into her eyes - "My religion is about spreading LOVE... Let's show some love and he'll earn some of that script and get us fancy gifts... Bod - "Yeah, Larry will pay a LOT... A REAL lot! Uh, you also need to sign some papers, just to assure you are of adult age, though nobody will doubt it..." ---This is just assuming Bod has a time/space portal to Earth and can go 80s/90s at the height of the porn industry!


haha you have done a nice story, thanks for adding more lore tho the image. Bod is a very special guy, he represent us, a men that love curvy girls.