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Im curious about your type of screen guys, the art pops out when you look it on big screens or mayew small ones but with nice corors and resolutions. I just want to know how you enjoy art. Also if its possible provide more information you want to share.

Thanks a lot!




Occassionally a tv

G Patreon Fan

All, actually though I voted PC. You can't do all things for all devices. IMO individual art whatever you want but normal comic book format for stories is what I prefer.


I check the app on my phone but download to PC later. I like when we get the PDFs when the comics are complete.


Thanks, I just want to know more about your devices guys, Im planning to do wallpapers for computers, maybe celphones, Thats why Im asking you :)

Loonia Infinity

Honestly, I use all four. <3

Loonia Infinity

Oh, trust me ... it's how I try to keep up with all of you fantastic artists. It's also how I try to keep myself in the game too. <3