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Hi guys, this is Krify's turn. Im designing two outfits for her. Which do you like most?






Left has better pants. Right has better shoulders with gloves and shoes. :) Tough decisions!

Old Shagnasty

Both. The left hand one is her everyday wear. The right hand one is for when she visits her lover (Torturador) in her dreams.

G Patreon Fan

I like the Harem fighter on the right though the everyday adventurer clothes are better for going around.


I agree with everyone, But i'll lean more to the left for the every day scenario


From the waist down, I prefer the left. Tight pants squeezing and showcasing her curves, but then still some fun flowy leg openings. From the waist up, I prefer the right. Fun armor, collars, and chains.


Good idea, I will draw both, also I will share the PSD and you can do any combinations you want.


Hahaha. I doubt Torturador is near. Yeina beat his ass the last Eden chapter. She is safe for the moment. But there are so many monsters out there


I love the underboob potential of the left (I need to do some stretches... oops is that my nipple showing?) I love the skimpiness of the outfit on the right and the flowing fabric. Who says we only get one? Girls wear more than one outfit 😁 As a default outfit though I would probably say the one on the left. The one on the right is more for special occasions.

Ford Prefex

Aaahhhh... like many here I can't decide. The pants on the left one are hot but for the top I prefer the right one. Now that I think about it I would love to see Yeina in tight jeans (hot-) pants with boobs bursting out of a tight top lol


Good idea about Yeina. She will look so sexy with tight jeans. And for Krify I will do both and also some combinations


Thanks. I think I will do both. They are so different, and like you said, they are for different occasions.