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Now Yeina is healed and the end page is near. I hope you like this GoldPaladin story. Thanks a lot guys. 

See you soon!!!!



G Patreon Fan

Oh, well I guess it's all for the best. If she released Yeina like that she'd wake up 2 weeks later either a slave for orcs or sold to a brothel tied to her bed. And she'd be clobbering one guy who was mounting her when she snapped to and broke loose - who'd go "What gives Lusty Suzy!? I was only your 30th today and you were shouting for the last guy to leave so I could get in!?"


Any ways you might release these all together? All the related comics are scattered.


Yeah, I will make a pdf when I finish it. I will do the cover and the compilation.


Ooooh, Lilith's butt in the bottom pannel! ^_^

Old Shagnasty

Love the glow on them orbs.