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Hi guys, I hope you had a nice weekend. I have this page for you. I hope you like it.

It was a lot of fun to do all the backgrounds. Im interested in print the reactions people have when they see Astrid. Also I would like to try that boob bread. It looks tasty :)

Let me know your thoughts. 





The Dude Man

I'm happy with anything that has breasts haha

Ford Prefex

So many good ideas in this one! I love the boob-bread, someone needs to make this for real ;) Those two girls in panel 3 look terrified, maybe because of the bread? Or Astrid's boob-clothing antics? Also, this low-probability/high reward adventure sounds hilarious and very intriguing! Fantastic job, Gula!

G Patreon Fan

That is a REALLY good scene! I love especially the jealous stares of the girls in the middle. ?Are they prostitutes with that hook nose guy their pimp? Still the priestess is so beautiful with her personality along with it.


Thanks, I think yeah they are a kind of that persons. They are jealous about Astrid huge orbs. They never seen a pair like that before.


Thanks a lot. Im planning this comic since long time ago. I have so many ideas for this one. Im very glad you like it.