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Hi guys, Let me share this page with you. This is a special comic because I'm applying the knowledge I learned from a Comic classes. I really enjoyed the course and I hope you like this new comic. In the future Im planning to share this comic with others. But this is for you guys, You make this happen. I appreciate your support.

Let me know what do you think!!!!

Also Let me tell you that my hard drive crashed, many files are lost. Ive been trying to restore my data. Im very sad because some projects are in danger. I will let you know if I could restore my files.

Thanks a lot.




Love the color tone, girls are gorgeous and the framing of the page great 👍. Sad to hear that for your drive and files, I really hope you'll manage to recover your data as much as possoble. I lost my archiving NAS without recovering for me, hard to bear the lost 😕. So many hours of rendering to redo 😰. Crossing fingers for you 🤞

The Dude Man

My dude my computer's HDD also died! It sucks losing all that hard work just because of faulty tech.

Jay Lee

I am very glad to see Astrid in action again! I hope she has more chance to share the teachings(and the milk) of her cult!

G Patreon Fan

Ugg, that sucks…! IMO the best defense is a “Dead Drop” - get a portable HDD (a USB stick will work for non-artists) and once a week back up your critical files. Myself I do it twice, thrice sometimes. I’ve had SO many crashes over my life and they always happened at the worst times on computer otherwise so stable they never seemed to crash. There are ‘recovery’ services - some a bit pricey but most not so much. Mostly a HDD does NOT lose info even if smashed by a sledgehammer unless all the plates are shattered to confetti as some criminal types have found out. It’s just a matter of the money you are willing to spend versus what others charge. A drive that just says it can’t access anything due to a shoddy OS crashing (yes, I mean Windows) and screwing up the index files is a matter of using software that ignores the usual protocols regular software does. Want me to post the files I have from you, including some comics I bought way before your Patreon - jic any images are missing? I mean in another hidden directory then I send you the direct link. Hang in there.


Usually I have a backup, But the most recent sketches are gone. Im trying to recover my files. I was sad because of that! Thanks for the support


Thanks a lot. I will try to recover my files. But in the process I have to do other works for Patreon. You will have moere content


I can get some material from my Patreon, But the new ones!!!! I really hate to work twice!!!

G Patreon Fan

That is the downside. No matter how much you back up, you almost always lose the recent work. The ONE thing I'll thank Win10 for - the random "System Updates" trigger real paranoid reactions so I back up a LOT more… It’s also a pain coz I use 3D software so need to back up a huge archive of models - in the right order so I don’t have 200 “Cannot locate reflection2.jpg”... trying to reload a single scene.

Ford Prefex

The page is great! Nice lighting and a beautiful, bouncy Astrid! Looking forward to more! BTW, can you post the link to the image, too? (Reason why I always bring this up is that I use the Patreon App on Android most of the times, and that App doesn't allow direct download of the image if there is no link...) HDD crash is awful, whish you luck in recovering the lost data! Frustrating to lose work and having to redo stuff again...


Yay, it's back to the main Astrid story line. I'm looking forward to this one 😊


The most important things are in your head! Scr*w HDD crashes! Hope things work out. :)

Old Shagnasty

Another one here whose hard drive locked up, losing masses of WIP 3D files.