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Hi guys, Now Yeina can wear a Spiked breastplate for protection. Also she can give a deathly hug.  Those bad guys will have big issues with this new armor.

Thanks a lot. I hope you like it.




G Patreon Fan

Well, she'd better remember to NOT go jogging! Now, part of me doesn’t want her to wear it since I love all the situations she gets into. In fiction only of course!

Jefferson R Boydston

Now, it seems that Yeina has gotten clever. But I hope she loses that protective bra before too long.


Destiny is weird, and in some how, she will loose that Spiked breastplate. Is just matter of time.


I imagine someone having a spell of nature to make the spike (plant base) to grow and start wrapping around the boobs... And again she's bounded... No rest for the brave 😜😈


I just bet the goblin gets revenge later by waiting until she takes it off while sleeping or bathing, and covers the inside of both cups with a huge amount of itching powder. Maybe also sneaks some glue into the fasteners so she can't take it back off for a while.