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Hi guys, here is the next Horse thied series. I hope you like it! The outlaw will thell her story now.

Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend!!!





That's rather curious, so her breasts were torn off? Since she is now flat that is pretty dark if it really did.

Jefferson R Boydston

While I agree that it is dark and not something I'd want to see a lot of, at the same time, it's good to be dark sometimes.

Jefferson R Boydston

The thing I really like in this image(other than the breast bondage) is the look in the pink haired girl's eyes as she ties Belle's breasts.

Ford Prefex

This is getting interesting. Wonder what happened to her and how she ended up losing her big boobs!


You’ve been on a roll lately gula, all these comics have me interested in what comes next every time! Really curious how she lost her boobs!


There are some grammer issues in the 3rd panel. Instead of: "But I did not wanted to be lady of the evening" I think you meant: "But I did not want to be the lady of the evening" Also remove one of the "o" characters in "too" in the second panel.

john brown

You'll find typos and grammar mistakes in most of his stuff. It's really too bad that such an amazing artist doesn't have someone proof his typing before he publishes. Sigh.....


Yeah I know. English isn't his first language. Gala tends to appreciate it when you point out his English errors though and updates the image with the corrections.


Thanks a lot, I did the colors desaturated here so we can feel it is a flash back.


Maybe her breasts weren't torn off but are now incredibly floppy and flat so she hides them - that would offer some interesting possibilities!


You should - she'd rival Elastigirl for possibilities :)